Marine Sciences 628
11:628:110Topics in Marine Sciences [MAST] (P/NC  Offered in cooperation with the Marine Academy of Science and Technology at Sandy Hook, an introduction to marine biology, chemistry, and mathematical physics, with opportunities for field and laboratory experience. |
11:628:111Topics in Marine Sciences [BCC I] (P/NC  Offered in cooperation with Brookdale Community College, an introduction to oceanography. |
11:628:200Marine Sciences (4) Study of the processes governing change in the oceans, with emphasis on basic scientific principles. Does not require strong background in mathematics, chemistry, physics, geology, or biology. |
11:628:211Topics in Marine Sciences [BCC II] (P/NC  Offered in cooperation with Brookdale Community College, an introduction to marine biology or coastal zone management. |
11:628:300 through 310Topics in Marine and Coastal Sciences (1-3 each) Offered each term by faculty members in the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences. Topics, prerequisites, schedule, and credits vary with the topic/instructor. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
11:628:321Ichthyology (4) The biology of fish with emphasis on functional morphology, ecology, and behavior. Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: 01:119: 101-102. |
11:628:352Ocean, Coastal, and Estuarine Circulation (3) Major coastal and estuarine processes; coastal upwelling; wave and tidal effects; currents; climatic effects. Types of estuaries. Coastal modification, development, and management. |
11:628:364Oceanographic Methods and Data Analysis (3) A field and laboratory course in the analytical tools of ocean- ography. A three-hour laboratory each week and two field trips, one of which is overnight at the Rutgers Field Station at Tuckerton. Lec./lab./field. Prerequisite: 11:628:200. |
11:628:401Science in Shoreline Management (3) Examination of coastal environments based on the use of science in the management of shoreline resources, culminating in a student project evaluating the conversion of shoreline by direct and indirect human action. Prerequisite: Open only to juniors and seniors who have completed a course in biology, earth science, or environmental science. |
11:628:404Fungi and Ecosystems (3) Ecophysiology of fungi and their role in the processes of decomposition, pathogenicity, and plant nutrient acquisition. Growth habit, colonization ability, resource availability and requirements, and community structure in terrestrial, aquatic, and marine ecosystems. Prerequisites: 01:119:101-102. Recommended: 01:447: 390, 11:375:453, |
11:628:418Marine Microbiology (4) Survey of marine bacteria with emphasis on biochemical adap-tations to the ocean realm. Biogeochemical cycling, marine bioremediation, molecular ecology, and vent symbioses. Laboratory characterization of marine samples using recombinant DNA techniques. Two 80-min. lecs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
11:628:451Physical Oceanography (4) Principles of ocean physics. Mass, momentum, heat, and freshwater conservation and atmospheric exchange. Influence of Earth`s rotation. The ocean`s role in climate. Tides, waves, and currents. Effects of ocean circulation on its biology and chemistry. Two 80-min. lecs., one 55-min. rec. Prerequisite: 01: 750:204. |
11:628:462Biological Oceanography (4) Biological and ecological processes in the ocean, emphasizing interactions with physical and chemical processes. Factors controlling the production and utilization of organic matter. Food web structure, biogeochemical cycles, structure and composition of marine communities. Two 80-min. lecs., one 55-min. rec. Prerequisites: 01: 119:101-102, two terms of calculus, 11:628:200. |
11:628:472Chemical Oceanography (4) Chemical description of the sea and how the distributions of chemical species in the world ocean are related to physical, chemical, biological, and geological processes. Two 80-min. lecs., one 55-min. rec. Prerequisites: 01: 160:161-162, 01:640:151-152, 11:628:200. |
11:628:476History of the Earth System (3) The Earth as an evolving physical/biological system; physical and biogeochemical processes that have shaped the environment over geologic time. Prerequisites: Any three of the following: 01:119:102, 01:160:162, 01:406:101, 01:750:204; or permission of instructor. |
11:628:497,498Special Problems in Marine and Coastal Sciences (BA,BA) Practical field/laboratory experience with faculty in the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |