Entomolgy 370
11:370:202The World of Insects (3) The nature and importance of insects that affect our personal and professional lives through competition for food, nuisance, and the transmission of disease. |
11:370:308Apiculture (3) Management, honey and wax production, bee language, social behavior, and pollination ecology. Lec. 2 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. For students with or without a background in science who are interested in keeping bees or pollinating crops. |
11:370:350Agricultural Entomology and Pest Management (3) Recognition and ecology of plant pest species; sampling and survey techniques; pest management methods and the environmental impact of control procedures; integrated control. |
11:370:352Toxicology of Pesticides (3) Effects, side effects, history, hazards, and usefulness of synthetic pesticides essential for the long-term production of food and fiber. Prerequisites: 01:119:101-102, one term of organic chemistry, or permission of instructor. |
11:370:381Insect Biology (4) A survey of insects; their structure, function, behavior, evolution, diversity, and effect on agricultural production, as well as on people and animals. Lec. 2 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Field trip. Prerequisites: 01: 119:101-102. |
11:370:402Aquatic Entomology (3) Identification, classification, morphology, and natural history of aquatic insects. Field work emphasizing aquatic insects of New Jersey. Prerequisite: 11:370:381 or one course in aquatic ecosystems or permission of instructor. |
11:370:403-404Insect Structure and Function I,II (3,3) Functional morphology and physiology of insects, with emphasis on evolution and adaptation to the environment. Lec. 2 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 11:370:381. |
11:370:406Medical and Veterinary Entomology (3) Insects and other arthropods in relation to human and animal annoyance and disease. Lec. 2 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: 01:119: 101-102. |
11:370:409Insect Classification (4) For students interested in insect diversity and evolution. Life histories and sight recognition of major families, especially those of economic or medical importance. Lec. 3 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Field trips. Prerequisite: 11: 370:381 or permission of instructor. |
11:370:493,494Research Problems in Entomology (1-4,1-4) Research projects in entomology under the guidance of faculty members. Prerequisite: Permission of adviser. |