1. Jewish History and Society
01:470:370 (563:370) Germany Confronts the Holocaust (3)
01:506:373 (563:373) History of Jewish Women (3)
01:506:375 (563:375) Jewish Immigrant Experience (3)
01:508:200 (563:200) Ancient Near East (3)
01:508:300 (563:300) The Arab-Israeli Conflict (3)
01:508:316 (563:316) Israeli Women: Historical and Literary Perspectives (3)
01:510:261 (563:261) History of the Holocaust (3)
01:510:385 (563:385) The History of Eastern European Jewry (3)
01:510:386 (563:343) History of Zionism (3)
01:512:359 (563:359) Blacks and Jews in American History (3)
01:563:260 (510:260) Remembering the Shtetl (3)
01:563:345 (512:345) American Jewish History and Culture (3)
01:563:389 (510:389) Power and Politics in Modern Jewish History (3)
01:563:390 (510:390) Jewish Memory (3)
01:790:351 (563:351) Contemporary Politics in the Middle East (3)
01:790:352 (563:352) Israeli Politics (3)
01:920:408 (563:408) Sociology of American Jewish Religious Movements (3)
2. Jewish Literature
Literature in the Original Language
01:563:315 Talmud and Jewish Law (3)
01:563:369 Hebrew Fables and Adventures (3)
01:563:371 Contemporary Hebrew Literature and Media (3)
01:563:372 Introduction to Modern Hebrew Literature (3)
01:563:431,432 The Hebrew Pentateuch (3,3)
01:563:433,434 Biblical Literature (3,3)
01:563:437,438 Talmudic Literature (3,3)
01:563:471 Readings in Modern Hebrew Literature (3,3)
01:563:472 The Hebrew Novel (3)
01:563:481 Agnon`s Themes and Variations (3)
Literature in Translation
01:050:332 (563:332) The American Jewish Experience in Literature (3)
01:563:241,242 Post-Biblical Jewish Literature and Tradition (3,3)
01:563:243,244 Modern Jewish Literature (3,3)
01:563:254 Hasidic Tales (3)
01:563:320 The Hebrew Bible (3)
01:563:365,366 Holocaust Literature in Translation (3,3)
01:563:367 American Jewish Writers of the Twentieth Century (3)
01:685:490 (563:480) Modern Middle Eastern Literature in Translation (3)
3. Jewish Culture
01:050:332 (563:332) The American Jewish Experience in Literature (3)
01:082:380 (563:383) Modern Jewish Art (3)
01:195:393 (563:393) Israeli Theater and Film (3)
01:470:380 (563:380) German-Jewish Literature and Culture (3)
01:563:225 Jewish Music (3)
01:563:226 History of Jewish Art (3)
01:563:254 Hasidic Tales (3)
01:563:260 (510:260) Remembering the Shtetl (3)
01:563:304 Jewish Cinema and Fiction (3)
01:563:306 American Jews and the Media (3)
01:563:310 (508:310) Israeli Culture (3)
01:563:345 (512:345) American Jewish History and Culture (3)
01:563:367 American Jewish Writers of the Twentieth Century (3)
01:563:375 Jewish Immigrant Experience (3)
01:563:386 Modern Yiddish Literature and Culture (3)
01:563:390 (510:390) Jewish Memory (3)
4. Religion and Thought
01:351:321 (563:321) Studies in Literature and Spirituality (3)
01:563:241,242 Post-Biblical Jewish Literature and Tradition (3,3)
01:563:250 Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah (3)
01:563:254 Hasidic Tales (3)
01:563:315 Talmud and Jewish Law (3)
01:563:431,432 The Hebrew Pentateuch (3,3)
01:563:433,434 Biblical Literature (3,3)
01:563:437,438 Talmudic Literature (3,3)
01:730:311 (563:311) Classical Jewish Philosophy (3)
01:730:312 (563:312) Modern Jewish Philosophy (3)
01:730:404 (563:404) Spinoza (3)
01:920:408 (563:408) Sociology of American Jewish Religious Movements (3)
5. Israel Studies
01:195:393 (563:393) Israeli Theater and Film (3)
01:506:375 (563:375) Jewish Immigrant Experience (3)
01:508:300 (563:300) The Arab-Israeli Conflict (3)
01:508:316 (563:316) Israeli Women: Historical and Literary Perspectives (3)
01:510:386 (563:343) History of Zionism (3)
01:563:310 (508:310) Israeli Culture (3)
01:563:371 Contemporary Hebrew Literature and Media (3)
01:563:471 Readings in Modern Hebrew Literature (3)
01:563:472 The Hebrew Novel (3)
01:563:481 Agnon`s Themes and Variations (in Hebrew) (3)
01:685:490 (563:480) Modern Middle Eastern Literature in Translation (3)
01:790:351 (563:351) Contemporary Politics in the Middle East (3)
01:790:352 (563:352) Israeli Politics (3)