07:206:126Rhythmic Analysis (2)Analysis of rhythmic structure relative to movement. Sight reading note values, movement dictation, and composition. Prerequisites: 07:203:123, 124 or permission of instructor. |
07:206:136Dance Production I (3) Elements of dance production in relation to lighting, sound, stage sets, costume, and makeup. Open only to dance majors. |
07:206:142Dance Improvisation IA (2) Experience in dance improvisation including the use of such stimuli as music, dramatic situations, kinetics, movement design, and spatial sensing as potential sources of movement and partner interaction. Open only to dance majors. |
07:206:175Ethnic Dance (2) The study of traditional dance styles of a given culture, their historical development, performance techniques, and terminology. Each term focuses on a specific culture. Open only to dance majors. May be repeated for credit for each new culture studied. |
07:206:201Elementary Labanotation (3) Introduction to the structural analysis of movement based on Labanotation. Prerequisites: 07:203:125,126, and 07:206:126; or permission of instructor. |
07:206:237Dance Production II (3) Theoretical and practical application of the skills necessary to produce and direct a dance concert. |
07:206:325Kinesiology for Dancers (3) Functional human anatomy and the study of the scientific basis of human movement as they relate to dance training. |
07:206:361Production Study (2) Crew assignments in lighting, publicity, and other areas of dance production. To be repeated for a total of 2 credits. |
07:206:402Introduction to Laban Movement Analysis (3) Notation and description of the dynamics, shape, and spatial forms in movement using Laban Movement Analysis. Prerequisites: 07:203:125,126. Open only to seniors. |
07:206:441Dance History-World Survey (3) Study of dance in diverse cultures and times through film, video, reading, lectures, and directed research. Activity fee for films and field trips. Open only to seniors. |
07:206:442Dance History-Twentieth Century (3) Twentieth-century dance artists and dance masterpieces in the Western theater tradition. Influences on contemporary concert dance of diverse cultures and artistic and social movements. Activity fee for films and field trips. Open only to seniors. |