Visiting Artists
First-year students are required to register for a 4-credit course entitled Visiting Artists (08:081:521-522) each semester.
Each semester, approximately 10 artists, curators, writers, and critics are invited for studio visits with graduate students to give an evening public lecture, usually on Wednesdays and occasionally on Fridays. The selection of visitors is determined by graduate students and coordinated by two Visiting Artist Coordinators, Co-Ad (co-adjunct) positions, held by one first-year and one second-year graduate student. First-year students are expected to attend visiting artist series as part of the All Graduate Seminar. Additionally, each first-year student is responsible for creating a flier for one of the visiting artists as well as preparing a bio to be read as an introduction for the artist at the start of their presentation.
First-Year Reviews
Toward the end of the first and second semesters, faculty committees meet with each graduate student for a 40-minute review. During the review, the faculty evaluate the student's work and progress in the program. In preparation for the review, students are required to complete a one-page artist statement before the review, which is submitted to the faculty reviewers. In the statement and during the review, students are expected to articulate and defend their artistic strategies and intentions.
Fall Review
The fall review takes place during the First-Year Graduate Student Exhibition at the Mason Gross Galleries at the Civic Square Building. The review serves to better acquaint the graduate faculty with the first-year students, and for faculty to evaluate the work the student has done since entering the program, with a focus on the work in the exhibition. It is recommended that students arrange studio visits with members of their committee before the review takes place.
Spring Review
During the spring review, which takes place in each student's studio, faculty will assess the work assembled by the graduate student and determine whether the student is qualified to advance in the program. Following the review, the graduate director provides a written letter to each student informing them of their status in the program.
Passing both reviews is a requirement for successfully completing 08:081:521-522 Visiting Artists. An unsatisfactory review may result in a re-review and possible probation, and may lead to dismissal from the university. Students will be advised in writing as to why they have been put on artistic probation, what needs to be done to correct it, and the deadline to remedy the situation. In the case of artistic dismissal, the student may appeal to the dean. Not passing a review may result in the withdrawal of funding or a part-time lecturer position. The review assessment is independent of the student's grades in classes.