Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School of Education
About the University
About the School
Degree Programs
Financial Aid
Student Services
Academic Policies and Procedures
Degree Requirements
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Programs
Doctor of Education (Ed.D) Programs - For Students Entering before 2010
Doctor of Education (Ed.D) Programs - For Students Entering in or subsequent to 2010
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Programs with No State Certification
Master of Education (Ed.M.) Programs with State Certification
Combined B.A./B.S./Ed.M. Five-Year Teacher Preparation Programs
Undergraduate Minor: Education as a Social Science
Nondegree State Certification Programs
Nondegree Skill Development Programs
Faculty, Administration, and Centers
Educational Psychology Faculty
Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration Faculty
Learning and Teaching Faculty
Graduate Faculty
Higher Education Faculty
Selected Centers and Partnerships
Center for Effective School Practices
Center for Mathematics, Science, and Computer Education
National Institute for Early Education Research
Robert B. Davis Institute for Learning
Rutgers Institute for Improving Student Achievement (RIISA)
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  The Graduate School of Education 2014–2016 Faculty, Administration, and Centers Selected Centers and Partnerships Center for Effective School Practices  

Center for Effective School Practices

Executive Director: Cindy Blitz, Ph.D.


The Center for Effective School Practices (CESP) is dedicated to improving the educational attainment and preparation of all learners by connecting policy and practice with research-based evidence and innovation. Working collaboratively with a broad and diverse group of educational stakeholders, both locally and nationally, the primary objectives of CESP are 1) to facilitate and support the translation of research findings into effective educational practices that benefit all students and all communities, and 2) to build the capacity of educators to collect, analyze, interpret, use, and share data to inform decisions and policies. To this end, CESP's researchers and staff conduct basic and applied research that informs educational policy and practice; supports the design, implementation, and evaluation of educational programs and initiatives; creates and organizes opportunities for educators to exchange views and ideas; and provides training and tools that are tailored to the specific needs of individuals, schools, districts, and communities in the mid-Atlantic region and beyond.

In addition, CESP is a partner in the Regional Educational Laboratory Mid-Atlantic (REL MA), sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. In this role, the center engages in the investigation of best educational practices for school districts and state departments of education with the intention of promoting the use of research data to inform and guide education policy and decision making in the region.

For more information, please contact Cindy Blitz, Ph.D., Executive Director and Research Professor, Center for Effective School Practices, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Graduate School of Education, 80 Cottontail Lane, Suite 410, Somerset, NJ 08873 (phone: 732-564-9100 ext. 21, or email:
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