Required Courses (21 credits)
15:230:500 Foundations of Educational Administration and Supervision (3)
15:230:501 Leadership and Communications Skills Development I (3)
15:230:507 Education Law (3) or 15:230:607 The Law of New Jersey Education (3)
15:230:514 Personnel Administration (3)
15:230:520 Public School Finance (3)
15:230:521 Supervision of Instruction (3)
15:230:522 Decision Analysis I (3)
Electives in Educational Administration (9 credits)
Three courses from the following:
15:230:504 Physical Facilities and the Learning Environment (3)
15:230:505 School-Community Relations: The Politics of Education (3)
15:230:512 Administration and Supervision of Elementary and Secondary Schools (3)
15:230:516 Administration and Supervision of Special Education Services (3)
15:230:530 Internship in Educational Administration (BA)
15:230:608 Case Studies in Educational Administration and Supervision (3)
15:230:610 Administration for School Effectiveness (3)
15:230:630 Readings in the Administration and Supervision of Education (BA)
16:300:643 Educational Change: Theory and Practice (3) (Formerly 15:230:517)
16:300:645 Educational Policy and Policy Making: The Federal and State Levels (3) (Formerly 15:230:611)
Electives outside of Educational Administration (6 credits) (with approval of adviser)
Supervisory Certification
The supervisory endorsement is granted only to master of education
candidates in the Graduate School of Education. Completing the
following sequence of courses fulfills the requirements for the
supervisory endorsement:
Required Courses (6 credits)
15:230:521 Supervision of Instruction (3)
15:310:500 Curriculum and Instruction (3) or 15: 250:504 Foundations of Curriculum (3)
Electives (6 credits)
Two courses from the following:
15:230:500 Foundations of Educational Administration and Supervision (3)
15:230:512 Administration and Supervision of Elementary and Secondary Schools (3)
15:230:600 Topics in Educational Administration and Supervision (3)
15:230:608 Case Studies in Educational Administration and Supervision (3)
15:230:630 Readings in the Administration and Supervision of Education (3)
15:251:572 Curriculum Development in the Elementary School (3)
15:310:505 Curriculum Development in the Secondary School (3)
15:310:510 Curriculum of Middle and Junior High School (3)