18:829:521Interviewing and Observation- Organizations (3) Skills of observation and interviewing within an organizational context. How phenomena of organizational life can influence how procedures are carried out and kinds of information they provide. Introduces nature of fieldwork, theory of role relations in organizations, and how to work with one`s subjective experiences in fieldwork. |
18:829:525Experiential Group Dynamics (3) Group and intergroup dynamics using a combination of experiential and didactic methods. Experiential sessions focus on the "here-and-now" experiences of people in the room. As events unfold, attention may turn to the dynamics of the several groups represented in the course. Didactic sessions provide opportunities to step back from the here-and-now events and reflect upon what has occurred. |
18:829:531Group Relations and Organizational Diagnosis (3) Theory and method of group relations and organizational diagnosis. Combination of lectures, discussions, classroom exercises, and a field project for those who choose it. Prerequisite: 18:829:525. |
18:829:532Group Relations and Organizational Diagnosis-Advanced Practice (3) Supervised field experience of conducting an organizational diagnosis concurrently with 18:829:531. Students work in teams. Paper required. Corequisite: 18:829:531. |
18:829:535Psychodynamic Interview-Organizations (3) Focuses on enhancing interviewing skills and learning to formulate a case within a broad psychodynamic and life-history framework. Each student presents one interview in class for discussion and feedback. Explores contribution of the dynamic understanding of personality to such goals as executive coaching, career counseling, and organizational diagnosis. |
18:829:548Psychology of Work and Careers (3) Reviews basic research and theory concerning work and careers; examines various strategies for improving the quality of life at work and promoting optimal career development. |
18:829:559Theory and Practice of Adult Learning and Training (3) Experiential learning of the issues and problems that confront adults in training groups: issues of trust, resistance to change, power and authority, norms and practices, cultural diversity, and conflict management. Design and facilitation of adult training modules for corporate employees, health service workers, educators, and parents. Focuses on the individual as a unit of learning. |
18:829:560Group Development and Adult Learning (3) Experiential learning of the issues and problems that confront adults in training groups: issues of trust, resistance to change, power and authority, norms and practices, cultural diversity, and conflict management. Design, facilitation, and assessment of adult training modules for corporate employees, health service workers, educators, and parents. Focuses on the group as the unit of learning instead of on the individual. |
18:829:565Executive Coaching: Organizational Interventions at the Individual Level (3)   Introduction to a disciplined, theory-based approach to executive coaching emphasizing multilevel forces impacting individual behavior. Student will apply theory and methods learned through readings, class discussion and case study analysis to a supervised Executive Coaching project. Prerequisites: 18:829:521 and 18:829:531 or permission of instructor. |
18:829:604The Group Psychology of Organizations (3) Examines the group dynamics of organizations using both historical and contemporary materials. Understanding of organizations as entities through an understanding of their group dynamics rooted in authority, function, gender, race and ethnicity, and generation. Investigates the balance between personality and group representational forces in accounting for behavior of leaders. |
18:829:605,606Supervision in Organizational Psychology (E3,E3) Provides personal and professional development through group supervision; practicum experiences analyzed to facilitate integration of thought and action. Required for all organizational psychology students involved in a practicum placement. |
18:829:610Proseminar on Theories in Organizational Psychology: A Comparative, Case-Based Approach (3) Provides the opportunity to learn a variety of theoretical models of assessment and intervention in organizational psychology (OP). A distinctive aspect of the course will be the presentations of intensive case studies by outside instructors. The cases will viewed from multiple theoretical perspectives in part as a way of learning about those perspectives. The focus will be a systematic, comparative approach of how different theories play out in actual organizational cases. The instructors will be drawn from both GSAPP and the resources of the larger OP community outside GSAPP such as non-GSAPP OP faculty at Rutgers-adding to the span of students` exposures to OP theories and practice. A coordinating faculty instructor will be a resource in all classes and will provide continuity throughout the class. Limited to 15 students. |
18:829:616Family Systems Theory for Organizational Psychologists (3) Covers family systems theory as a new paradigm for conceptualizing human dilemmas; the major theoreticians and schools in the family therapy field; core concepts and their relevance for application; basic interventions, implementation of change, and the main attitudes of a family therapist exemplified through a variety of systematic experiences; formulation of a psychosocial assessment; and the psychologists` use of self. A number of different schools of family therapy are explored, including structural, Bowenian, strategic, behavioral, narrative, and multisystemic. |
18:829:617Current Topics in Organizational Psychology: Emotional Intelligence at Work (3) Reviews research on the link between social and emotional competence and work performance. Considers actual programs and strategies designed to enhance these competencies, and the empirical research concerning their effectiveness. Addresses implementation, dissemination, and evaluation issues. |
18:829:618Current Topics in Organizational Psychology (3) Special topics on various aspects of organizational psychology. Topics change from year to year based on student and faculty interests as well as recent developments in the field. |
18:829:631-632Internship in Organizational Psychology (E3,E3) At least 10 months of supervised experience in a setting determined by the program and the student. Required for all organizational psychology students. Student must have completed all required practicum credits, all required courses, and passed the written comprehensive exams. |
18:829:635,636Part-Time Internship in Organizational Psychology (E-BA,E-BA) Two to three days per week of supervised experience in a setting determined by the program and the student. Students must have completed all required practicum credits, all required courses, and passed the written comprehensive exams. |
18:829:682Judgment and Decision Making (3) Explores theory and research on judgment and decision making, including decision theory and judgmental heuristics. Includes research from cognitive, social, and clinical psychology as well as organizational behavior and management. |
16:830:624Current Topics in Psychology: Clinical Behavior Therapy for Adult Clinical Disorders (3) Emphasizes an evidence-based, cognitive-behavioral orientation assessment and treatment. Course provides comprehensive and in-depth coverage of cognitive behavior therapy for adult clinical disorders and introduces students to other psychology faculty members at Rutgers and at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School who are national and international experts in the theory and practice of cognitive behavior therapy. Integrates theory, research, and clinical applications. |
16:830:653Strengths-Based and Preventative Consul­ Course illustrates the concepts of emotional intelligence, social and emotional learning, and multiple intelligences as well as the practical methods needed to bring them alive in educational settings using a strengths-based and a prevention-oriented approach. The course is especially concerned with the socialization institutions through which our children and youth pass (such as schools and families) and with the systems we have set up to help people when they have difficulties. Focus is on educational settings and the ecological surround that impacts strongly on their effectiveness. Course participants become familiar with the operation of CASEL (the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning) and the CASEL and other web sites that are the source of energy and networking in the field. This course fulfills the GSAPP requirements for 18:820: 594. |