18:821:535Psychoanalytic Theories of Personality (3) A comparative study of the major psychoanalytic understandings of personality and psychopathology, with an emphasis on bridging theory and practice. Readings address the contributions of Freud and ego psychology, Klein and Bion, British object relations theories, self-psychology, and contemporary relational psychoanalysis. Students are encouraged to apply the course material to a clinical case to learn about the relationship of theory to the development of a case formulation and the evolving clinical process. May be taken as a theory course without commitment to a clinical case. Prerequisite: 18:820:503. |
18:821:544,545,546Psychological Clinic Practicum (E2,E2,E1) Learn experientially to function as a member of the professional outpatient staff in the Psychological Clinic at GSAPP under weekly supervision by licensed psychologists. Experience is gained by providing therapy and assessment services (according to training goals) to clients with adult, child, marital, and family problems; meeting with assigned supervisors weekly; and submitting required clinical records. |
18:821:547Introduction to Group Psychotherapy (3) The study of group leadership and group therapy from a psychodynamic perspective covered through the use of lectures, readings, and experiential process group and/or observation of an ongoing psychotherapy group, sharing or group leadership experiences, and observation of videotapes. Prerequisite: Preference given to students who have previously taken at least one psychotherapy course. |
18:821:553Introduction to Family Therapy (3) One term exposure to the empirical knowledge base and methods for assessing and treating families. Taught from a behavioral perspective, the course covers how clinical families differ from nonclinical families and how a therapist can help families change expectancies and maladaptive interaction patterns. Intergenerational, multicultural, and ecological/community issues discussed throughout. Each student presents a videotaped family therapy session, their own family`s genogram, or a research proposal or data. (Students must carry a case in the Psychological Clinic or Rutgers/Somerset Counseling Program.) |
18:821:555Applications of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety and Depression (3) This two-term course focuses on the clinical application of specific treatment protocols that have been shown to be effective in controlled research studies to address anxiety and depression. Students learn how to conduct a multidimensional assessment using structured clinical interviews, generate a cognitive- behavioral case conceptualization, and implement specific cognitive-behavioral strategies targeting the diagnosed symptoms and problems. Outcomes will be assessed before and after therapy to measure treatment success. Students evaluate and treat one case in the clinic following a general introduction to assessment and treatment in the first few weeks of the course. A second case is added in the spring semester. Topics in class will cover child and adult assessment and treatment, and cases will be either child or adult. Supervision of cases will be conducted in group format, and students will be expected to arrange a 1.5-hour group supervision in addition to regularly scheduled class time. Prerequisite: 18:820:504 and 18:820:635 or instructor`s approval. |
18:821:559Introduction to Program Evaluation (3) Program evaluation is presented as an effective means for designing, implementing, and improving programs in mental health centers, health service delivery systems, and other organizations in which clinical psychologists practice. Course focuses on collaborating with clients (e.g., program directors, agency administrators) and other key stakeholders in a systematic approach. Supervision by the instructor on two projects: one, formulation of a detailed program evaluation plan; the other, a procedural response to a program planning and evaluation issue. Students are encouraged to learn as much as possible about the area and to extend themselves via extra assignments. Students must carry a case in the real world with a client under the supervision of the course instructor. Limited to clinical psychology students only. |
18:821:562Behavioral Couples Therapy (3) Theoretical and empirical bases of behavioral couples therapy and clinical applications; topics include self-report and observational assessment procedures, treatment planning, and intervention techniques such as reciprocity, communication skills, and cognitive affective interventions. Applications of behavioral couples therapy to couples from diverse ethnic/racial backgrounds and to gay/ lesbian couples. One couple`s case with supervision or an appropriate application approved by the instructor is required. Prerequisite: 18:820:567. |
18:821:564Play and Milieu Therapy with Children (3) Focuses on theory and techniques used in play therapy with children under the age of 12. Use of play in assessment and treatment of children. Play therapy interventions in treatment of specific disorders including behavioral disorders, anxiety and depressive disorders, traumatic/stress disorders. Focus on work with child, parents, and teachers. Carrying a child case is required. |
18:821:566Cognitive Behavioral Family Intervention for Adolescent Problems (3) In-depth examination of the causes, course, intervention, and prevention of adolescent problems from a cognitive behavioral perspective, particularly in relationship to the whole family and the school. Through weekly therapy videotapes, outside speakers, readings, research reports, and discussion, students gain expertise in the secondary prevention of adolescent problems through early family intervention and school intervention. Experiential requirement: carry a case, do own family genogram, or present an on-going empirical research project. |
18:821:567Practice of Behavior Therapy (3) Methods and approaches involved in the clinical practice of behavior therapy as applied to children and adults on an outpatient basis; behavioral parent training, self-control procedures with children, systematic desensitization and its variants, and cognitive behavior therapy. Lecture, demonstration, case material, and audio- and videotapes used to illustrate behavioral assessment and treatment. A minimum of one case with behavioral supervision required. Prerequisite: 18:820:504. |
18:821:568Eating and Weight Disorders (3) Provides an overview of the epidemiology, causes, and treatment of obesity and eating disorders. The focus is on the interplay among biological, psychological, and cultural factors of the development and maintenance of these disorders. Open to students from doctoral programs in psychology and nutrition. |
18:821:601Independent Study in Clinical Psychology (3) Papers required based on independent study. Prior to registration, students must consult faculty members to determine arrangements. |
18:821:605Working with Trauma (3) Focuses on clinical work with patients suffering from reactions to traumatic experiences, in particular, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). From its initial application to Vietnam veterans, our understanding of PTSD has more recently been expanded to include the effects of such experiences as child abuse and adult rape, as well as exposure to such catastrophic experiences as those of September 11. The goal of the course is to increase understanding of traumatic symptoms and syndromes and to describe two approaches (psychodynamic and cognitive-behavior) to clinical work with patients. |
18:821:610Serious Mental Illness (BA) |
18:821:611Advanced Topics: Infants/Early Childhood Development (Birth-Five years) and Their Families (3) A survey of the theoretical origins of the field, with particular emphasis on its psychoanalytic roots. Works of Anna Freud, Winnicott, Stern, Frailberg, and other seminal thinkers and practitioners in the field are examined. The theoretical bases of attachment and infant-parent work are covered. Alternate means by which infants and parents communicate their struggles (e.g., "clinical baby games") explored. An overview of intervention strategies and tasks presented, with primary emphasis on conducting infant-parent (dyadic) psychotherapy. The clinician`s interactions with the baby, the process of building an alliance, countertransference and its threats, and other treatment issues are covered. |
18:821:615-616Family Therapy (3,3) Course discusses family systems theory as a new paradigm for conceptualizing human dilemmas; major theoreticians and schools in the family therapy field; core concepts and their relevance for the clinical application; phases of psychotherapy with a family, basic interventions, implementation of change, and the main attitudes of a family therapist exemplified through clinical experiences; formulation of a psychosocial assessment of a family system with the therapist`s use of self within the "therapeutic system." Participants study their own clinical work and focus on specific strategies of intervention according to different types of families. Family therapy case with supervision required. Prerequisites: Advanced standing. Previous counseling/therapy experience and course work required. YEARLONG COURSE; both terms required. |
18:821:623Introduction to Neuropsychological Assessment (3) Modules cover eight specific brain functions (sensory-motor, attention, memory, language, perception, executive, intellect, and person/behavior) and the neuropsychometric measures designed to assess them. Each module has hands-on training and discussion of interpretation of test findings. Test reports including behavioral observations, results, and interpretation required for each module. Prerequisite: Undergraduate course in physiological psychology or equivalent. |
18:821:630Assessment and Treatment of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (3) Provides an overview of theory and research on the nature of alcohol problems, alcohol abuse, and alcohol dependence. Includes models to conceptualize how people with drinking problems change, approaches to assessment, and models of treatment. An experiential element is included. Opportunities for direct clinical experience are available through PACT at the GSAPP Psychological Clinic. Prerequisite: 18:820:567. |
18:821:633Existential, Phenomenological, and Hermeneutic Approaches to Clinical Psychology (3) Introduction to phenomenological, existential, and hermeneutic approaches to clinical psychology, with emphasis on psychopathology. Includes some discussion of the relevant philosophical background and possibly of certain poststructuralist developments. In the past, readings have included philosophers (selected from the following: Husserl, Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Sartre, Foucault) and various psychiatrists and psychologists (Jaspers, Binswanger, Minkowski, Blankenburg, Schachtel, and Laing). Student interests taken into account. Offered in alternate years. |
18:821:637Basic Principles and Methods of Psychoanalytic Therapy (3) Introduction to standard psychoanalytic therapy, described via case presentation and literature from the domains of ego psychology, self-psychology, the relational movement, and control-mastery theory. Overview of psychodynamic approaches to problems involving neurotic, borderline, psychotic, and posttraumatic conditions. Topics include the analytic attitude, the real relationship, the working alliance, transference and countertransference, resistance, and phases of treatment. Prerequisites: 18:820:634 and either 18:821:535 or 540, or permission of instructor. |
18:821:639-640Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (3,3) Psychodynamic understanding and technique as applied to the short-term treatment (10 to 35 sessions) of selected clients; current models of practice based on either drive/structural, relational, cognitive/dynamic, integrative concepts; theory and application demonstrated through use of videotapes. Discussion topics include psychotherapy integration, transference and resistance, curative factors, research approaches, gender and sociocultural factors, and values and visions in psychotherapy. Therapy case with supervision required. Prerequisite: Previous course in psychoanalytic theory or therapy and/or supervised experience in psychodynamic therapy. YEARLONG COURSE; both terms required for credit to be given. |
18:821:643,644Advanced Analytic Supervision (E1,E1) For advanced students seeing clients in long-term, analytically influenced therapy. Students present their work for help in the areas of dynamic and diagnostic formulations, analysis of transference and resistance configurations, and exploration of individual and group countertransference and counterresistance phenomena. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
18:821:650Gay and Lesbian Issues in Psychotherapy (1) An introduction to affirmative psychological theory and therapy with lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients. Topics include theories of sexual orientation, identity formation, the impact of stigma and prejudice, coming out, family and couples therapy, health issues, and special issues of ethnic minorities. Five-week course. |
18:821:651,652Advanced Family Therapy Supervision with African-American Families (E2,E2) Marital and family systems therapy; therapist`s style, systemic assessment and strategic interventions; theoretical issues and appropriate readings. Students must work with at least one African-American family and bring videotapes to class. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor; 18:821: 615-616 or equivalent experience. |
18:821:653-654Clinical Practicum Supervision (E1,E1) Biweekly group supervision to discuss cases and issues that arise in practicum settings. Required for first-year clinical Psy.D. students. |
18:821:657-658Internship in Clinical Psychology (3,3) Provides a 12-month (1,750 hours) supervised experience in a setting determined by the program chairperson and the student. Required for all Psy.D. students in the clinical psychology program, usually during the fourth or fifth year of training. Students must have completed all course work and required preinternship practicum hours and successfully passed the written comprehensive exams. |
18:821:659Part-Time Internship in Clinical Psychology (E-BA) For students who have approval to complete the supervised experience over a two-year period. Register for 2 credits in the fall and 1 credit in the spring term, totaling 3 credits each year. Same requirements on course work, practicum, and comprehensives as full-time internship above. Requires special permission from the department chair. |
18:821:668,669Advanced Cognitive-Behavioral Supervision (E-BA,E-BA) Cases presented; discussions focus on assessment and intervention methods. For advanced students. |