Peter Campanelli: rehabilitation psychology/principles and practices as applied to psychiatric rehabilitation; organizational development, administration, and service application of evidenced-based treatment methodologies to public mental health systems; delivery in not-for-profit corporations
Margaret Cangelosi: child behavioral disorders; ADHD, anxiety, and depression; psychoeducational evaluations; adult anxiety, depression, grief, and relationship issues
Joseph T. Giacino: neuropsychological assessment of neurobehavioral syndromes following acquired brain injury (anosognosia, confabulation, misidentification syndromes); assessment, outcome prediction, and treatment of disorders of consciousness (coma, vegetative state)
Judith Glassgold: psychology of women and gender; lesbian, gay, and bisexual issues; psychotherapy, agency, and social change; ethics
Steven B. Gordon: cognitive behavior therapy with children, families, couples, and adults; behavioral parent and teacher training; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Kenneth Heckart: rehabilitation psychology; principles and practices as applied to psychiatric rehabilitation; organizational development, administration, and service; community psychology
Karen Heffernan: working with trauma; expert testimony in trauma; forensic assessment
Nancy Hickey-Harrison: clinical intervention in child abuse; trauma; child and family issues; postdivorce adjustment; women`s issues
Judith Margolin: sexual abuse and trauma; school psychology; brief therapy and managed care
Barbara Menzel: child trauma; parent/infant psycho- pathology; child psychotherapy; play therapy
Sharon Powell: adolescent and family therapy; peer leadership; prevention programs in schools; school reform and restructuring; group dynamics; management training