Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
The Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology
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Joint Appointment and Collaborating Faculty (Rutgers)
Joint Appointment and Collaborating Faculty
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Degrees Conferred, Dissertations October 2002– May 2004
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Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology 2005-2007 Areas of Faculty Research and Clinical Work Joint Appointment and Collaborating Faculty  

Olivia Lewis Chang: nonpharmacological pain management for children with HIV/AIDS; emotional, prosocial, cognition, and prosocial behavior in minority children; issues associated with female African-American clients

John Clabby: social problem solving/social decision making; cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy; behavioral medicine; adult learners; program development

Bertram D. Cohen

Javier I. Escobar: somatoform disorders; long-term care facilities; neuropsychology of aging; cognitive behavioral therapy-personality, trauma and resilience with elders

Leon A. Hyer: GPE grant on training geropsychologists and coordinating this effort across the state; ongoing research in memory retraining in mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia; new CBT models in OPT and in LTC with older adults; heart rate variability for depression in older depressed adults; validation of neuropsychological tests in dementia such as RBANS; insight and apathy in dementia.

Edward Johnson: pathological gambling, alcoholism, and access to health care; psychological evaluation

Paul Lehrer: relaxation methods and stress reduction; behavioral medicine; biofeedback; music performance anxiety and its treatment; psychophysiology of asthma; breathing, meditation, and respiratory psychophysiology

Sandra Leiblum: female sexuality and reproductive health, including issues of menopause, infertility, and cross- cultural sexuality

Elaine Leventhal: normal aging and pathologies associated with geriatric disease; mental health of the elderly; emotional changes across the life span; aging and the autonomic nervous system

David Mueller: Director, Crisis Service, University Behavioral Health Care; patients` perceptions of involuntary and other emergency interventions

Evelyn A. Orozco: community interventions and treatment of minority adolescents and families; Latino child and adolescent issues; acculturation of new minority groups

Ray Rosen: sexual function and dysfunction; sleep disorders; quality of life in cardiovascular disease

Philip Yanos: clinical psychology; recovery and successful community integration of the seriously mentally ill; active coping and community adjustment; impact of self-help and psychosocial rehabilitation services on outcomes; financing and the quality of care

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