Marta Aizenman: psychodynamic orientation in individual and group psychotherapy; cross-cultural therapy; treatment of incest victims; issues in violence and acquaintance rape; women and sexuality
George Atwood: personality theory; psychotherapy; psychopathology; psychology of knowledge; psychoanalytic theory of intersubjectivity
David Brodzinsky: developmental psychology; child clinical, socioemotional development; adoption and foster care; stress and coping in children; developmental psychopathology; divorce and child custody issues; forensic psychology; adjustment of children raised by lesbian and gay parents
Richard Contrada: psychosocial factors in physical illness; ethnicity and stress; psychophysiologic pathways linking stress and disease
Lara Delmolino: autism and developmental disabilities: diagnosis, assessment, and treatment; applied behavior analysis
Maurice J. Elias: community psychology; child and adolescent clinical psychology; design and evaluation of primary preventive interventions; school-based action research; social problem solving; social-ecological theory; "emotional intelligence"; social-emotional learning; Jewish education and identity development
Beth Epstein: etiology and treatment of substance abuse and related personality disorders; marital therapy; alcohol subtypes; etiology of psychopathology; cognitive-behavioral treatment of substance abuse
Arnold Glass: learning and memory, including agnosia and amnesia; language, including specific language disorder and aphasia
Peter Guarnaccia: medical anthropology; cross-cultural patterns of psychiatric disorders; family strategies for coping with chronic illness; psychiatric epidemiology among Latinos
Stephen E. Hansell: social psychology of health/illness behavior; factors influencing symptom reporting and use of medical care; adolescent health behavior, depression, and substance abuse; effectiveness of inpatient and aftercare services for seriously mentally ill adolescents
Charles Heckscher: alternatives to bureaucratic systems of management; consultant on organizational transformation, especially in joint union-management settings; collaborative and more democratic forms of work; the development of collaboration in local unions, corporations, and health care systems; adviser on the "Workplace of the Future" initiative in telecommunications
James Jones: psychology of religion; philosophy of science and its application to psychology; hypnosis and altered states of consciousness; religion and mental health; religious and spiritual issues in psychotherapy
Kenneth Kressel: marital and family therapy; divorce therapy, divorce mediation, and the psychological and interpersonal dynamics of divorce; mediation of disputes in health care, higher education, and scientific research organizations; organizational, family, and interpersonal conflict and conflict management
Tom Morgan: cognitive-behavioral coping skills treatment; behavioral couples treatment, time-limited interventions; training/supervision of addiction`s counselors; retention/engagement in substance abuse interventions; dissemination of empirically supported treatments to real- world settings, and assessment of treatment processes
Rob Pandina: psychopharmacology and neuropsychology, experimental and clinical; alcohol and drug dependence longitudinal studies; forensic psychology; sports psychology
N. Andrew Peterson: empowerment theory; community organization; program evaluation
Kathleen Pottick: barriers to effective mental health services for children and adolescents; disadvantaged populations and the effects of urban life on adolescent mental health; effects of inpatient psychiatric care on psychosocial role functioning of children and adolescents
Brent Ruben: theoretical and applied research on the nature and functions of human communication in interpersonal, organizational, health, intercultural, and educational settings; organizational assessment and improvement in higher education
Mina Silberberg: long-term care policy; KidCare; homecare policy; state health care reform; NGO assistance to community organizations
George Wagner: animal studies on the neuropathology, neuropharmacology, and possible etiology of Parkinson`s disease, schizophrenia, and autism
David Wilder: social categorization and intergroup relations; stereotypes and group identities; issues resolving prejudices created by intergroup conflict; construction of people and their representations of social groups; how membership in groups affects self-consciousness
Robert Woolfolk: depression; selfhood; stress; psychotherapy; philosophical foundations of psychology