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  Camden Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2025 Liberal Arts Colleges Camden College of Arts and Sciences Academic Policies and Procedures Course Load  

Course Load

A typical course load for a full-time student is 15 credits. For each hour of class time, students are expected to do a minimum of two hours of out-of-class study. Students should plan their course loads accordingly.


Students who wish to take more than the maximum number of credits allowed in a given semester can request permission to take additional credits, which are considered an overload. Students may be permitted to register for an overload if they meet the criteria described below and obtain permission from their academic advising dean.

Students should take an overload only for compelling reasons. Each student who has the required cumulative grade-point average and is considering taking an overload should discuss carefully with his or her adviser whether an overload is in the student's best interest. Exceptions to these rules can be made only through the approval process noted below.

Fall and Spring semesters

A student who takes more than 19 credits in the fall or spring semesters has an overload. Students who wish to take an overload must meet the following cumulative grade-point average requirements and obtain the required permission(s) as described below. Students in their first semester at the college may not register for more than 19 credits. All overloads must be approved by a student's academic adviser.

  • To take an overload of 19.5-22 credits, continuing undergraduates must have a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.00.
  • To take an overload of 22.5-25 credits, continuing undergraduates must have a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.50.

Graduating seniors who do not meet the above cumulative grade-point average requirements but have at least a 2.00 cumulative grade-point average may be approved for an overload if they need such a schedule in order to graduate at the end of the semester in question.

Summer Session

Students may enroll in up to 12 credit hours without additional permission. Students who wish to register for more than the permissible credit loads must meet the following requirements and obtain permission as detailed below.

  • Enrollment in 13-17 credit hours requires a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.00.
  • Enrollment in 18 or more credit hours requires a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.50.

Winter Session

Current students may enroll in up to 4 credit hours without additional permission. Enrollment in more than 4 credits is not permitted.

Overload Approval Process

Students must seek permission from their Camden College of Arts and Sciences (CCAS) advising dean for fall/spring overloads up to 22 credit hours, summer overloads up to 15 credit hours, and winter overloads up to 6 credit hours. Requests for overloads above these thresholds require approval of the CCAS associate dean for undergraduate education.

Any student seeking approval for an overload must complete the Permission for Academic Overload Form, which can be found on the advising website, and submit it to the appropriate adviser.


For additional information, contact RU-info at 848-445-info (4636) .
Comments and corrections to: One Stop Student Services Center.

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