The Rutgers University-Camden national security studies certificate program (NSSCP) provides students an opportunity to develop their understanding of 21st-century national security threats, including traditional great power competition between states; nuclear proliferation; climate change; pandemic disease; cybersecurity; humanitarian crises; and the challenges posed by failed and failing states; among others. Courses counting toward the attainment of this certificate both emphasize and reflect the growing diversity of security challenges faced by the United States. Recognizing the longstanding tension between security and liberty, this program will also address the interaction of national security and civil liberties in times of emergency.
Eligibility The NSSCP is open to any student of any major at Rutgers. The program is recommended for all students who are interested in learning more about policy and government in the broad field of U.S. National and Homeland Security.
Benefits Students who are interested in careers in the State, Defense, and Homeland Security Departments, including the National Security Agency, CIA, FBI, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, as well as in the counterterrorism units of local police forces (or in law enforcement generally) will find this certificate an attractive--and in many cases, necessary--addition to their resumes.
Course Requirements
All students enrolled in the NSSCP must complete a total of five courses (15 credits) among those listed here to earn the certificate. The course requirements are as follows:
50:790:388 U.S. National Security Policy
50:790:426 Civil Liberties in Times of Emergency
1 to 2 courses on regional politics
1 to 2 core certificate courses
Regional Politics Course Options 50:790:305 Western European Politics
50:790:311 Latin American Politics
50:790:316 East Asian Politics
50:790:330 Comparative Politics of Eastern Europe 50:790:335 African Politics
50:790:336 Middle Eastern Politics
50:790:337 South and Southeast Asian Politics
50:790:339 Chinese Politics
Core Certificate Course Options 50:790:320 Contemporary American Foreign Policy
50:790:333 The U.S. Intelligence Community
50:790:350 Violence, Revolution, and Terrorism
50:790:427 Energy Security Policy
50:790:429 Global Views of American Power
50:790:435 Counterterrorism Strategies
50:202:319 Narcoterrorism (Criminal Justice)
50:202:320 National Security Risk Assessment and Analysis (Criminal Justice)
Location of Course Offerings While a number of classes will be offered off campus, the vast majority of program course offerings will be based on the Rutgers-Camden campus.
Applying Previously Taken Courses Toward Completion of the Certificate
Any courses taken from the spring 2013 semester forward may be applied toward completing the certificate.
For Further Information For further information on the National Security Certificate Program, please contact Professor Maureen Donaghy (, chair of the Rutgers-Camden Department of Political Science.