Chemistry Minor
A candidate for the bachelor's degree must complete a total of at
least 120 credits of college work. A candidate for a
minor in chemistry must fulfill the requirements of the chemistry minor and
meet the general curricular requirements of the Camden College of Arts and
To receive a minor in chemistry, students may only
receive one D grade in the chemistry/biochemistry lecture courses.
Chemical Principles I (4 credits)
50:160:125 Chemical Principles Lab I (1 credit)
50:160:116 Chemical Principles II (4 credits)
50:160:126 Chemical Principles Lab II (1 credit)
50:160:335 Organic Chemistry I (4 credit)
50:160:339 Organic Chemistry Lab I (1 credit)
50:160:336 Organic Chemistry II (4 credits)
50:160:340 Organic Chemistry Lab II (1 credit)
Students must also choose:
At least 8 credits from any lecture/laboratory combination.
50:160:300 level Any 300-level chemistry
lecture course
50:115:300 level Any 300-level
biochemistry lecture course
50:160:400 level Any 400-level chemistry
lecture course
50:115:400 level Any 400-level biochemistry
lecture course
56:160:500 level Any 500-level graduate
chemistry lecture course
56:115:500 level Any 500-level graduate
biochemistry lecture course
50:160:300 level Any 300-level chemistry
laboratory course
50:115:300 level Any 300-level
biochemistry laboratory course
50:160:400 level Any 400-level chemistry
laboratory course
50:115:400 level Any 400-level biochemistry
laboratory course
50:160:500 level Any 500-level chemistry
laboratory course
50:115:500 level Any 500-level biochemistry
laboratory course
One Advanced Chemistry (115 or 160) course may be substituted with a 500-level graduate Computational and
Integrative Biology 121 lecture course.
Additionally, students are required to complete the
following courses from other departments:
50:640:121 Unified Calculus I (4 credits)
50:750:131 Elements of Physics I (3 credits)
50:750:133 Elements of Physics Lab I (1 credits)
50:750:132 Elements of Physics II (3 credits)
50:750:134 Elements of Physics Lab II (1 credit)
(Note: 50:750:131 and 132 is preferred, but may be substituted with 50:750:203 and 204.)
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