Portfolio Studio
Emerging Media students complete a portfolio of the work they have completed in the program. This course provides a space for students to work on those portfolios, with guidance and feedback from both faculty and others in the student cohort.
Experimental Emerging Media
Artists and researchers use emerging media forms and technologies to reimagine creative practice and research. This course introduces students to such work, including but not limited to data visualization, multimedia creation, interactive devices, and environments. Students will experiment during and produce their own experimental emerging media project.
Documentary Storytelling
This course explores nonfiction works and methods in a variety of media, including video, audio, and interactive platforms. Students will produce and analyze nonfiction works and experiment with a variety of genres and forms such as autobiography, essay films, observational documentaries and more.
Creative Coding
This course asks: How do we use computer code to express ourselves and investigate the world? What kinds of problems are solvable with computation, and what kinds aren't? Students engage in practical and theoretical activities with computer programming, alongside a critical examination of code itself. No previous programming experience is required.
Ineractive Design
Interaction design addresses how users interact with software products like apps or website, but also extends to services and experiences of all kinds. In this course, students explore technologies and theories of physical computing, interactive environments, and performance and author their own immersive experiences through storyboarding and prototyping.
Interactive Musica and Media Design
Focusing on artistic possibilities for the creation and performance of interactive media, this course provides an examination of audio/visual programing techniques using the Max environment. One of the leading visual programming languages for interactive music and multimedia, Max is a graphical programming framework that provides the means to manipulate and connect audio/visual media with processing, data-driven gestures and physical sensing. Proficiency with Max is acquired through practical assignments, in-class tutorials, and project work with an emphasis on student driven interests and application.
Emerging Media for Working Professional Studios
Designed for working professionals, this course is tailored for busy or irregular schedules. Course work focuses on experiential learning and features projects in areas such as cross-platform storytelling, design thinking, and human computer interaction that are tailored to fit the individual needs of each student.
Portfolio Studio Course
Designed for working professionals, this course is tailored for busy or irregular schedules. The primary focus of this studio course is for students to complete their Emerging Media portfolio in preparation for graduation.