In order to complete the master of arts in teaching (M.A.T.) program, all students must follow the advisement sheet that is associated with their desired licensure area (P-3, K-6, Secondary, or Special Education). These forms can be found on the
M.A.T. website.
All initial licensure candidates must complete two semesters of Clinical Practice coursework. This entails 175 hours of fieldwork in a fall semester and full-time fieldwork in the following spring semester. One must complete paperwork with an M.A.T. adviser to register for these course by February 1, prior to the fall start. At this time, the student must submit the following:
1. N.J.
DOE approved basic skills assessment:
4. Current N.J. Substitute
Upon successful completion of all courses and field requirements, the student will be eligible to apply for graduation. Additional testing and paperwork is required for the application to the DOE for state licensure. This information is provided to the student during the Clinical Practice semesters.