M.S. Forensic Science
A candidate for the Master's degree in Forensic Science must
complete a total of at least 38 credits of graduate coursework. Up to 9
graduate credits in Forensic Science, Natural Science, or Engineering
may be transferred from other institutions.
Only one C or C+ and a maximum of 9 credits may be counted toward the 38
credits. To remain in good standing, students may only receive one C+ grade or lower during their course of study. Students who receive more than two C+ grades will be dismissed from the program.
Please note that certain states require Forensic Chemists or related
careers to have taken Quantitative Analysis or Analytical Chemistry. Students interested in careers in
Forensic DNA Analysis should consult the DNA Advisory Board Requirements, which
articulate that Forensic DNA Analysts must have the taken the following
courses: Biochemistry, Molecular Biology or Recombinant DNA Technology,
Population Genetics or Statistics, and Genetics.
Coursework: 24 credits of lecture coursework must be completed from:
56:412:525 Forensic Theory and Policy (3 credits)
56:412:527 Forensic Pattern Evidence (3 credits)
56:160:580 Forensic Chemistry (3 credits)
56:160:582 Forensic Chemistry Laboratory (1 credit)
56:160:584 Forensic Toxicology (3 credits) or 56:160:611 Fundamentals of Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics and
Pharmacokinetics (3 credits)
In addition, students must complete at least 6 credits of advanced courses from the list below. These must be distinct
courses from the requirements listed above.
56:412:500 level Any 500-level graduate forensic science course
56:160:500 level Any 500-level graduate chemistry lecture course
56:115:500 level Any 500-level graduate biochemistry lecture course
56:121:500 level Any 500-level graduate computational and integrative biology lecture course
56:120:500 level Any 500-level graduate biology lecture course
56:160:500 level Any 500-level chemistry laboratory course
56:115:500 level Any 500-level biochemistry laboratory course
56:120:500 level Any 500-level biology laboratory course
56:640:500 level Any 500-level mathematics lecture course
56:960:500 level Any 500-level statistics lecture course
In addition, students must complete at least 8 credits of Research in
Forensic Science, which are taken under the supervision of a faculty
56:412:700 Research in Forensic Science (2 credits)
56:412:701 Research in Forensic Science (2 credits)
56:412:702 Research in Forensic Science and Capstone Presentation (4 credits)
Note: The four credits of 56:412:702 must be taken during the final
semester in which the student will prepare a final capstone paper of publishable quality and will publicly present their research project. This presentation is given during the semester in which the
student completes his or her course of study.
Note: Graduate students may enroll in up to one upper-level (300 or 400
level) undergraduate 115, 160, 640 (or 960), or 412 courses to count
toward this graduate program with approval of the graduate program
director and Associate Dean of the Graduate School by using a "G-Prefix
Approval Form". See the Graduate School-Camden website for details.
A diploma application must be submitted online in accordance with the
deadlines that can be found at
https://graduateschool.camden.rutgers.edu/graduation. The Application
for Admission to Candidacy for Degree (side one) should be completed by
the candidate and submitted to the graduate director prior to the
capstone. Application forms are available at https://mbs.rutgers.edu/sites/mbs.rutgers.edu/files/documents/mbs_candidacy_form_camden.pdf. The student must inform the graduate director of the intent to
complete the capstone presentation. The capstone must be completed in
accordance with the schedule established by the Office of the Dean of
the Graduate School-Camden and the MSFS
program. In the event of an unfavorable decision, the capstone may be
repeated two times.
For up-to-date information, please view https://forensicscience.camden.rutgers.edu/degree-programs/msfs/