Biochemistry I,II (3,3)
Study of the structure and function of proteins and enzymes. Analysis of the chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. Detailed survey of metabolic pathways, with an emphasis on regulation.
Protein Structure and Function (3)
Basic structural principles of polypeptides, mechanisms of enzyme catalysis, biosynthesis and degradation of proteins, biophysical techniques used in the determination of protein structure, protein folding, protein-protein interactions, protein engineering.
Natural Product Chemistry (3)
Survey of carbohydrates, amino acids, peptides, biopolymers, heteroaromatics, terpenes, steroids, fatty acids, and alkaloids.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry (3)
This class will focus on the drug likeness of chemicals. Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism and Exclusion (ADME) and toxicity are those critical reasons to determine a compound to be an efficacious drug-like compound or not. The application of ADME/Tox research has been expanded from optimizing in vivo pharmacokinetics and safety to designing proper bioassay protocols. This class is to teach the students who will have the potentials to be engaged in the research and design process of new drugs.
Bionanotechnology: Discovery, Assembly, Function, and Application (3)
Bionanotechnology is an emerging field that applies the fundamentals of nanotechnology to solving relevant biological and chemical problems and refining new methods and tools for medicine and energy. Nanotechnology refers to the revolutionary technology that manipulates matter with matter with at least one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometers. Molecular structures exhibit unique properties at this scale where the quantum phenomenon starts to play an important role as compared to bulk materials. Bionanotechnology describes the overlapping multidisciplinary activities where photonics, chemistry, biology, biophysics, nanomedicine, and engineering converge.
Forensic and Analytical Molecular Biology (3)
This course provides a survey of the theories, quantitative analysis
methods, and molecular bio-techniques commonly employed in forensic
operations. Topics include genome structure, nucleic acid extraction,
real-time PCR, digital PCR, end-point PCR, recombinant DNA techniques,
interrelationship of DNA-RNA-protein synthesis, capillary
electrophoresis, Sanger sequencing, massive parallel sequencing, dynamic
modeling, and probabilistic genotyping for inference.
Forensic DNA Analysis Laboratory (1)
At the completion of this course students will have an understanding of
basic protocols, bio-analytical techniques, and procedures commonly
applied in forensic DNA testing. They will be exposed to
state-of-the-art forensic DNA interpretation methods based on
probabilistic genotyping and will gain experience with common DNA
extraction procedures, the polymerase chain reaction, the absolute
quantification with real-time PCR, DNA fragment analysis using capillary
electrophoresis, and quality control measures implemented in the human
identification laboratory.
Forensic Serology (3)
This course addresses the theory and practice of forensic serology.
Students will learn the presumptive and confirmatory testing methods
used to determine the type and source of biological stains along with
new technologies under development. Advanced techniques such as qPCR and
mass spectrometry may also be explored.
Forensic Serology Laboratory (1)
This lab section provides practical training in forensic serological techniques. Exposure to techniques including lateral flow immunochromatography and microscopy for purposes of fluid-type categorization will be explored.
Corequisite: 56:115:571.
Special Topics in Biochemistry (BA,BA)
Subject matter varies according to the expertise of the instructor and is drawn from areas of current biochemical interest.
Independent Studies in Biochemistry (BA,BA)
Designed for students conducting original projects in chemistry in lieu of a research thesis. The project is designed and conducted in consultation with a sponsor from, or designated by, the graduate faculty.
Research in Biochemistry (BA,BA)
Open only to students working on research for their thesis.
Prerequisite: Permission of thesis adviser.