Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School-Camden
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Degree Requirements
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Biology 120
Chemistry 160
Childhood Studies 163
Admission Requirements
Financial Aid/Assistantships
Degree Requirements
Graduate Courses
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
English 200, 350, 352, 354, 615, 842
History 512
Liberal Studies 606
Mathematical Sciences 645
Physical Therapy 742
Psychology 830
Public Policy and Administration 834
School of Business–Camden
School of Social Work
Graduate School-Newark (on the Camden Campus)
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-Camden 2007-2009 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Childhood Studies 163 Graduate Courses  

Graduate Courses

56:163:501 Proseminar in Childhood Studies I (3) The first half of a two-semester course providing an overview of paradigms and critical issues in childhood studies. Researchers from within the university and around the area will present the latest research on children.
56:13:502 Proseminar in Childhood Studies II (3) The second half of a two-semester course providing an overview of paradigms and critical issues in childhood studies. Researchers from within the university and around the area will present the latest research on children.
56:163:515 Child Growth and Development (3) This course will cover children's physical, mental, and social development. The goal of this course will be to provide students with an integrated perspective on how typical children develop, beginning with the milestones and developmental tasks of infancy and continuing through the biological, social, and psychological changes of adolescence.
56:163:517 Review of Literature (3) This course will review the literature of a specific content area in childhood studies preparatory to the student's undertaking dissertation research.
56:163:525 Practicum in Childhood Studies (3)

This is an apprenticeship with an experienced researcher. Students choose a faculty mentor and apprentice themselves in a collaborative project. Students in the basic track will participate in an empirical project. Students in the applied track will work with a faculty member in analyzing a problem in an applied setting and will develop a proposed solution. The proposed solution must include successfully negotiating implementation of the project in the context of an organization, agency, business, or other setting.

Students in the practicum participate in a seminar in which their projects are discussed with the instructor and other first-year students. This course combines the advantages of an apprenticeship model with the advantages of a seminar model. Each student has an individual faculty adviser who supervises his or her individual work. Students' work is tailored to their interests. Through presentations by other students in the seminar, instructor comments and suggestions, and active participation in group discussion and feedback, each student gains knowledge of research strategies and methods used in multiple settings. One-half of the grade is based on the recommendation of the faculty adviser and one-half on participation in the seminar. 

56:163:531 History of Childhood (3) How have religious, psychological, and economic theories affected our notions of childhood over the centuries? Views have ranged, for example, from seeing childhood as a miniaturized form of adulthood to seeing childhood as a distinct culture of its own. The United States has often defined itself in terms of childhood and youth, making the child an apt topic of study in American literature. In this course, literature by some of the best-known writers will be read and popular representations of the child will be examined in order to understand how conceptions of childhood help to define individual, family, literary, and national identities.
56:163:551 Children and Childhood in Cross-Cultural Perspectives (3) The richness and diversity of children's development is best understood by examining socialization norms and child-rearing practices of the world's various societies. The course focuses on the rich anthropological literature on children in different cultures, but considers as well, cross-cultural psychological and sociological investigations.
56:163:580 Literary and Cultural Constructions of Childhood (3) This course is the same as 56:350:580 (Literary and Cultural Constructions of Childhood). A study of changing representations of childhood in literary and cultural texts, including the impact of childhood on imagination and intellectual and aesthetic traditions.
56:163:611 Personality and Social Development (3) Theory and research on personality and social development in childhood and adolescence. Attention is paid to the evolutionary, genetic, social, and cultural shaping of personality and social interactions. 
56:163:612 Cognitive Development (3) Theory and research in children's intellectual development from birth through adolescence. Neo-Piagetian, information processing, and sociocultural approaches to cognition. Current research, including children's memory development, social cognition, language, problem solving, spatial thinking, and theory of mind. Implications for schooling considered.
56:163:615 Using Archival Data to Study Children (3) This course will provide students with the experiences necessary to analyze data from publicly available data sets. Students will obtain publicly available data sets and analyze them using SAS or SPSS in order to test hypotheses about development and to assess the effectiveness of interventions.
56:163:651 Sociology of Socialization (3) Study of socialization as a concept and as a process; the socialization of children and adults; variations in socialization among cultures, socioeconomic status groups, and types of social groups.
56:163:654 Growing Up in Africa (3)

This course examines the social, historical, and political contexts of childhood in Africa through ethnographies, novels, and historical work.  We will begin with classic work on child socialization, examining how children learn and come to assume certain positions through interaction with peers and adults in work, rituals, and play. We will explore children's roles and status within societies in which elders are valued and powerful, and how these roles changed with colonialism through literacy, missionization, and migration to mines, plantations, and cities. Finally, we will look at young people's myriad experiences in Africa today as soldiers, AIDS orphans, critics of the state, consumers of modernity, and powerful but hated witches within the context of structural adjustment and globalization.

56:163:655 Youth Movements in Organizations (3)

Social movements organized and led by youth are important both for their contributions to society and as a training ground for youth who become leaders as adults. This course examines youth and student movements in a number of countries and regions at key points in their history, including Germany, China, Latin America, and the United States. The topics will include political, social, and religious movements, minority group movements, women's and girls' movements, and cultural movements. The relationships between youth movements and adult organizations and patterns of generational change over history will be examined.

56:163:671 Youth and Sports (3) The social organization of athletics and sports for children and youth. Youth and family involvement in organized and informal athletic and sports activities. Social roles including juvenile and adult athletes, fans, coaches, parents, and consumers of sports equipment and media. The relationship of sports to social patterns such as ideologies, values, laws, cultural norms, and methods of social control. Ethnic, racial, and gender differences in sports activities.
56:163:690 Issues in Social Policy: Children and Families (3)

Public policy has profound influences on children in the United States and elsewhere. This course focuses on social policy in the United States, and how policy shapes children's education, nutrition, and environments. Policy in the United States is compared to that of other countries in order to better understand the influence of policy on the course of development.

56:163:691 Interpretative Methods (3)

An understanding of children and the worlds that they live in can be gained through a variety of means.  In this course, students are introduced to interviewing, ethnography, and other interpretative methods for appreciating the various influences that shape children and their worlds. 

56:163:697 Independent Research in Childhood Studies (3) In consultation with a faculty member, students pursue individually designed research projects.
56:163:698 Special Topics in Childhood Studies (3) Topics and themes related to childhood studies are considered.
56:163:699 Directed Readings in Childhood Studies (3) Topics and themes related to childhood studies are explored through readings selected in consultation with the instructor.
56:163:700 Doctoral Dissertation (15) Each student must complete an original dissertation research project under the supervision of a faculty adviser.
56:163:800 Matriculation Continued (0) Continuous registration may be accomplished by enrolling for at least 3 credits in standard course offerings, including research courses, or by enrolling in this course for 0 credits. Students actively engaged in study toward their degree who are using university facilities and faculty time are expected to enroll for the appropriate credits.
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