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School of Social Work
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Course Listing
Explanation of Three-Part Course Numbers
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  School of Social Work 2005-2007 Course Listing Explanation of Three-Part Course Numbers  

Explanation of Three-Part Course Numbers

The number preceding each course title is divided into three parts. The first two digits are the administrative code (standing for the school or faculty offering the course), the next three digits are the subject code, and the final three digits are the course code.

Administrative Codes

The following administrative codes are used in this catalog:

 01  Faculty of Arts and Sciences

 09  School of Social Work (Undergraduate)

 16  Graduate School-New Brunswick

 19  School of Social Work

Subject Codes

The subject code indicates the subject matter of the course. The subject code for social work is 910.

Course Codes

Course codes for 100 to 499 indicate undergraduate courses; course codes from 500 to 799 indicate graduate courses.

Credits awarded for the successful completion of each course are indicated in parentheses following the course title. The notation BA indicates that the number of credits is determined by arrangement with the faculty offering the course.

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