Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Public Health Competencies - Epidemiology
Each concentration identifies competencies for each degree offered. These competencies reflect the full range of knowledge, skills, and other attributes that a student will acquire as a result of completing the requirements for a particular degree.
Upon graduation, a student completing the Ph.D. in Public Health curriculum in Epidemiology will be able to:
- PhD-EPID1: Evaluate epidemiologic literature, assessing methodological approaches, strengths, weaknesses, and threats to validity;
- PhD-EPID2: Conduct independent epidemiologic literature reviews and summarize studies using qualitative or quantitative techniques;
- PhD-EPID3: Quantitatively analyze public health data sets using epidemiologic and biostatistical techniques;
- PhD-EPID4: Identify gaps in the epidemiologic literature and develop specific aims and hypotheses suitable for an epidemiologic research proposal;
- PhD-EPID5: Demonstrate understanding of epidemiological study designs and advanced epidemiological methods in order to develop an appropriate approach to address a specific study question
- PhD-EPID6: Conduct epidemiological studies using primary and/or secondary data and synthesize study findings;
- PhD-EPID7: Design reliable and valid measurement instruments;
- PhD-EPID8: present and defend study findings from original research to professional audiences;
- PhD-EPID9: Demonstrate competency in teaching epidemiologic research methods at the graduate level; and
- PhD-EPID10: Demonstrate knowledge of the responsible conduct of research and conduct research following the rules and policies for ethical research.