The Rutgers School of Public Health offers B.A./M.P.H. and B.S./M.P.H. articulated degree programs for select, highly qualified undergraduate students with an interest in a public health career. These articulated degree programs give students the opportunity to earn their master of public health (M.P.H.) graduate degree in approximately four-to-six semesters after earning their undergraduate degree, depending on the curriculum schedule chosen and full-time or part-time status.
The articulated degree programs allow accepted undergraduate students to take up to 18 graduate course credits at the Rutgers School of Public Health while enrolled as an undergraduate. (The number of credits allowed depends on the articulated degree program.) Some or all of these graduate credits may count toward both the undergraduate degree and the M.P.H. degree at the School of Public Health. However, these graduate credits cannot be transferred to other graduate schools.
For each articulated degree program, interested students must apply to and be accepted into the Rutgers School of Public Health, per the requirements of the specific articulated degree program.
For how to apply and more information about each articulated degree, please visit