Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Public Health Competencies - Environmental and Occupational Health
Each concentration identifies competencies for each degree offered. These competencies reflect the full range of knowledge, skills, and other attributes that a student will acquire as a result of completing the requirements for a particular degree.
Upon graduation, a student completing the Ph.D. in Public Health curriculum in Environmental and Occupational Health will be able to:
- PhD-ENOH1: Conduct an environmental and occupational health literature review across the exposure-disease continuum, assess its strengths and weaknesses and identify knowledge gaps and future research directions;
- PhD-ENOH2: Design a testable hypothesis to investigate the environmental health effects of a toxicant, toxin, or hazard event;
- PhD-ENOH3: Develop and/or apply novel and cutting-edge research methods in the laboratory and/or in the field to obtain and analyze data to test research hypotheses;
- PhD-ENOH4: Assess and explain the connections of environmental justice and health disparities, such as racial and ethnic inequities;
- PhD-ENOH5: Communicate basic principles in environmental and occupational health sciences including toxicology, quantitative risk assessment, epidemiology, and exposure sciences to professional audiences;
- PhD-ENOH6: Demonstrate competency in teaching and/or presenting environmental and occupational health topics at the graduate level; and
- PhD-ENOH7: Demonstrate knowledge of the responsible conduct of research and conduct research following the rules and policies for ethical research.