Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) Competencies - Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Each concentration identifies competencies for each degree offered. These competencies reflect the full range of knowledge, skills, and other attributes that a student will acquire as a result of completing the requirements for a particular degree.
Upon graduation, a student completing the M.P.H. curriculum in Occupational and Environmental Medicine will be able to:
MPH-OEM1: Apply knowledge about specific environmental toxicants and exposure prevention principles to mitigate the health impacts on workers;
- MPH-OEM2: Explain basic mechanisms of toxicology and dose-response regarding toxicants;
- MPH-OEM3: Leverage applicable occupational safety and health federal and state regulatory standards to purpose measures that mitigate illness and injury in individual workers and worker cohorts;
- MPH-OEM4: Recognize medical illnesses/conditions associated with occupational and environmental exposures; and
- MPH-OEM5: Interpret epidemiological data associated with occupationally related disorders.