Members of the Faculty
Shauna Downs, Assistant Professor of Health Systems and Policy; Ph.D., University of Sydney School of Public Health (Australia); M.S., Alberta (Canada)
Food policy; food systems; value chain analysis; sustainable diets; nutrition-sensitive agriculture; multiple burdens of malnutrition
Irina Grafova, Assistant Professor of
Health Systems and Policy; Ph.D., Michigan
Economics of health behaviors and their
impact on health and economic status
Michael Gusmano, Associate Professor of Health Systems and Policy and Concentration Director of Health Systems and Policy;
Ph.D., Maryland (College Park)
Comparative health care systems; politics of health care; health care reform
and Medicaid; bioethics
Rizie Kumar, Instructor of Health Systems and Policy; M.A.,
Program development; data preparation; statistical analysis
Thomas Mackie, Assistant Professor of Health Systems and Policy;
Ph.D., Brandeis; M.P.H., Boston University School of Public Health
Organizational theory; social policy; community and asset-based
public health program development and implementation
Alan Monheit, Professor of Health
Systems and Policy; Ph.D., M.A., CUNY (Queens College)
Health insurance and employment; private and public insurance;
health care use
and expenditures; the uninsured population; socioeconomic
status and health
Jeannette Rogowski, University Professor of Health Systems and
Policy; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Health economics
Jennifer Tsui-Kim, Assistant Professor of Health Systems and Policy; Ph.D, California (Los Angeles); M.P.H.,
Columbia Mailman School of Public Health
Health care system factors and geospatial influences related to disparities in cancer care and cancer outcomes for minorities
Bernadette West, Associate Professor of
Health Systems and Policy and Associate Dean for Community Health; Ph.D., Rutgers; M.A., American
Community health assessment; violence;
disability; health planning and policy analysis
Associate Members of the Faculty
Joel Cantor, Professor of Health Systems and Policy; primary at Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy; Sc.D., Johns Hopkins
State health policy; access to care; health services research
Stephen Crystal, Professor of Health Systems and Policy; primary at
School of
Social Work; Ph.D., Harvard
Aging and chronic illness focusing on gerontological policy
Richard Marlink, Professor of Health Systems and Policy; primary at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; M.D., New Mexico
Global health; HIV/AIDS
Charles E. Menifield, Professor of Health Systems and Policy; primary at Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration; Ph.D., Missouri (Columbia)
Racial and ethnic disparities in health care, obesity; state and local urban affairs
Pizzi, Professor of Health Systems and Policy; primary at Ernest Mario
School of Pharmacy; Pharm.D., M.P.H., Rutgers
health economic and outcomes analyses of drugs and other health care
interventions, with focus on treatments for older populations
Ramesh Raghavan, Professor of Health Systems and Policy; primary at School of Social Work; Ph.D., California (Los Angeles); M.D., Kasturba Medical College (India)
Mental health; adolescent and child health; prescription medication use and abuse; public financing of medical care
Nancy Wolff, Associate Professor of Health System and Policy; primary at Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy; Ph.D.,
Iowa State
Organization, financing, distribution, and costs of mental health