Members of the Faculty
Amy Davidow, Associate Professor of
Biostatistics; Ph.D., New York
Longitudinal data analysis; epidemiology
of tuberculosis; spatial analysis of disease rates
Perry Halkitis, Dean and Professor of Biostatistics; Ph.D., M.P.H., CUNY
HIV/AIDS; drug abuse; health disparities; LGBT; mental health
Sinae Kim, Assistant Professor of
Biostatistics; Ph.D., Texas A&M
Bayesian variable selection; clustering;
nonparametric Bayes; wavelets; bioinformatics; DNA microarray analysis
Yong Lin, Professor of Biostatistics; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
Mixture hypotheses and models; cancer phase-I/II clinical trial
designs; bootstrap and statistical computing
Shou-En Lu, Associate Professor of Biostatistics; Ph.D., Johns
Cohort case-control design and analysis; clustered failure time
data; multivariate failure time data
Dirk Moore, Associate Professor of Biostatistics; Ph.D., Washington (Seattle)
Correlated binary and count data; statistical methods in genetics
and epidemiology
Jason Roy, Chair, Professor, and Director of Rutgers University Biostatistics and Epidemiology Services (RUBIES); Ph.D., Michigan
Causal inference; Bayesian nonparametrics; digital health
Weichung Joe Shih, Professor of Biostatistics; Ph.D., Minnesota
methodology in clinical trials; sequential design and analysis; incomplete data;
midcourse adjustment of study designs; cancer study designs and analysis
Pamela Ohman Strickland, Associate Professor of Biostatistics; Ph.D., M.S., Cornell
Analysis with small samples; categorical data; random effect
models; clustered failure time data
Yaqun Wang, Assistant Professor of Biostatistics; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State; M.S., Zhejiang (China)
Gene regulatory network; gene-environment interaction; statistical genetics; longitudinal data; big data
Associate Member of the Faculty
Q. Cheng, Assistant Professor of Biostatistics; primary at Robert Wood
Johnson Medical School; Ph.D., Rutgers; M.S., North Carolina State
Research in statistics