UGPH 0515
Global Communicable and Noncommunicable Diseases (3)
Addresses global noncommunicable diseases and risk factors, including environmental risk factors, climate change, and air pollution, and emphasizes the identification, control, and prevention of infectious disease in tropical and developing countries.
UGPH 0521
Culture and Health (3)
This course examines theoretical, ethical, and applied elements of sociocultural research including major methods, challenges, and practices. It also combines a diversity of timely cases to convey the need for cultural awareness and competency in all contexts on global health.
UGPH 0560
Foundation in Maternal and Child Health (3)
this course, students will gain an understanding of the determinants of
the health of
mothers and children, from a macro perspective including public policy,
neighborhoods, schools, and health facilities, and from an individual
perspective, including health beliefs and behaviors.
UGPH 0600
Introduction to Global Public Health (3)
In a world that is increasingly globalized, yet also fragmented, it is important to
develop a health care workforce that is conversant with global health concerns
and to build knowledge networks and research capacities to address information
gaps. This introductory course on global public health provides students with
an overview of the impacts of weak health systems, lacking infrastructure,
economic dependencies, climate, geography, vector biology, and war activity on
communicable and noncommunicable diseases, mental, maternal, and environmental
UGPH 0605
Qualitative Research Methods (3)
This course
focuses on the methods of qualitative research in public health. The emphasis will be on learning the basic approaches, concepts, content, and
skills associated with qualitative research methods, including case studies,
ethnography, grounded theory, narratives, and phenomenology.
Prerequisite: PHCO 0504.
UGPH 0621
Public Health and Health Disparities (3)
As members
of the public health community we have a role to play in shaping how people
think about and work to eliminate health disparities. This course examines how
social, economic, environmental, cultural, and lifestyle factors contribute to
differences in morbidity and mortality in racial and ethnic minorities and the
medically underserved. We will also examine social determinants of population
UGPH 0630
Global Food Systems and Policy (3)
This course focuses on the challenges faced by food systems locally and globally, and critically analyzes the design, evaluation, and impact of programs and policies aimed at addressing those challenges.
Prerequisite: PHCO 0501.
UGPH 0670
Global Food and Culture (3)
This course will provide students with a deeper understanding of the cultural, social, environmental, political, and economic determinants that affect the food choices, diets, and health of populations globally.
UGPH 0682
The Environmental and Structural Context of Urban Health (2)
This course provides the student with basic information about how cities "work" and the
background needed to better promote health in urban settings. Cities are
ultimately about their residents and visitors, and the many interactions among
them within complex urban ecosystems. The course describes the multiple social
and physical environments of cities and the ways by which race, class, power,
socioeconomic status, development, and the natural and built environments
interact to influence the health and well-being of urban populations and
Prerequisite: PHCO 0503.
UGPH 0684
Pathways to Urban Health and Disease (2)
This course is organized around the "actual causes" of health and disease--modifiable
factors that contribute to ill health. After an overview of theory and
descriptive epidemiology, each week will focus on a single "case" exposure type
and describe the pathways by which these factors affect urban ill health using
a systems approach. Each week we will identify programs and policies that
currently exist or could be implemented to promote health and prevent disease.
The course has both a U.S. and global urban focus.
Prerequisite: PHCO 0502.
UGPH 0686
Modern Paradigms for Urban Public Health Programming and Research (3)
Provides an overview of applied public health theories, concepts, and methods for urban public health problems. Student will cultivate an understanding of modern paradigms, emphasizing multidisciplinary and holistic theories related to the social determinants of health.
NUTR 5300
Nutrition across the Life Span (3)
This course will cover nutritional requirements at various stages of life from pregnancy to adulthood and explore current concepts in evaluating nutritional needs and making dietary recommendations across the life span.
Cross-listed with NUTR 5300. This course is offered through Rutgers School of Health Professions.
NUTR 5513
Global and Public Health Nutrition (3)
Current and emerging issues in global and public health nutrition and nutrition policy are debated; program planning and population needs assessments are addressed for populations of diverse cultures.
Cross-listed with NUTR 5513. This course is offered through Rutgers School of Health Professions.
NUTR 6490
Nutritional Epidemiology (3)
course will provide students with an overview of nutritional
epidemiology methods to equip them to critically review the current
state of research into causes, patterns, and amelioration of
nutrition-related diseases.
Cross-listed with NUTR 6490. This course is offered through Rutgers School of Health Professions.