The unit of credit used in Rutgers registration is based in part upon a measure of time, with 1 credit equal to one class hour a week through a 15-week semester. For a 3-credit course, a qualified and competent student should expect, on average, nine hours per week (in and out of the classroom or lab) to satisfactorily carry out the expected coursework. One credit of laboratory work requires three class hours of work per week.
- A full-time graduate program is defined by the university as 9 credits per semester. The maximum program is normally 12 credits, although under some circumstances registration for a maximum of 15 credits is permitted with approval of the program director. Fellows and assistants also must register their appointments according to directions provided by the registrar at the time of registration and submit form RT100 to the Office of Student Accounts. Graduate and teaching assistants who hold half-time (one-third line) academic appointments register their assistantships for 6 E credits (for which no tuition fee is paid). These 6 E credits, together with 6 credits of courses or research, qualify them as full-time students in the School of Management and Labor Relations. All courses, including courses of research and regular courses undertaken "not for credit" (E and N prefixes), are counted in measuring the student's recordable program of work.
- A full-time undergraduate program is defined by the university as 12 credits per semester.
These regulations govern tuition charges, student fees, statistical records, residency requirements, and other issues affected by definitions of full-time and part-time status.