The third major step of the
dissertation process is the execution of the dissertation. This includes
collecting data or identifying and preparing an available dataset; analyzing it
as described in the prospectus; and reporting the results, implications, and
contribution of the research to existing knowledge. The structure, format, and
length of the dissertation are determined in consultation with the Dissertation
Committee Chair, with approval of the Dissertation Committee.
Once the dissertation is
completed and reviewed by the Dissertation Committee, the candidate schedules
the oral dissertation defense. Like the prospectus defense, the dissertation
defense is a scheduled public meeting that is open to fellow students, faculty,
friends, and family. The dissertation defense date is set by the Dissertation
Committee Chair, with the approval of the Ph.D. Director.
To ensure sufficient time for
review, students must distribute the completed dissertation to their
Dissertation Committee at least one full month prior to the scheduled defense.
For students planning for May degree conferral, the last possible date for a
defense is April 1st, meaning the completed dissertation must be distributed no
later than March 1st. For students planning for October degree conferral, those
dates are September 1st and August 1st, respectively.
An official Dissertation Defense
Announcement is to be distributed to all SCJ faculty, staff, and Ph.D. students
at least two weeks prior to the defense date by the Assistant Dean of Graduate
Programs and Enrollment Services. The announcement is to include the following
information provided by the student: date, time, and location of the
dissertation defense; dissertation title; names of the candidate, dissertation
chair, and committee members; and an abstract of approximately 350 words. A
paper copy of the Dissertation Defense Announcement will be prominently
displayed on School of Criminal Justice bulletin boards. Except with permission
from the Ph.D. Director and Dissertation Committee, the dissertation defense
must take place during the academic year. It is the candidate's responsibility
to ensure that all timelines, deadlines, and procedures are met.
Prior to the dissertation
defense, the candidate shall obtain the
Defense Report for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
form from the Graduate
School-Newark. Ordinarily, the dissertation defense begins with a presentation
by the candidate, followed by questions from members of the Dissertation
Committee, then questions from other members of the audience. Once this portion
of the defense is complete, the candidate and audience will leave the room so
that the Dissertation Committee can deliberate. The Dissertation Committee
alone is responsible for deciding the outcome of the dissertation
defense. They will evaluate the candidate on (1) their dissertation, (2) their
presentation, and (3) their demonstrated competence in addressing committee
members' and others' questions and concerns. Once a decision is rendered, the
candidate will be invited back in the room. The candidate may (1) pass the
defense; (2) provisionally pass, pending successful completion of required
revisions; or (3) fail to pass.
Following the successful dissertation defense, the
candidate shall provide a cover sheet for the Dissertation Committee to sign.
In addition, each member of the Committee shall sign Part I of the Dissertation
Defense Report for Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. It shall be presented to the
Ph.D. Director, along with an electronic copy of the dissertation.
Format, Deadlines, and Graduate School-Newark Requirements
Once the Ph.D. Director certifies that all program
requirements have been completed for the degree Doctor of Philosophy, the
candidate returns the signed Dissertation Defense Report for the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy to the Assistant Dean of Graduate Programs and Enrollment
Services, to copy and file in the student's academic file. The original form
shall be taken by the candidate to the Graduate School-Newark, Dean's Office.
Additional materials to be submitted at this time include two paper copies of
the title page of the dissertation with the original signatures in black ink of
all Dissertation Committee members, an electronic copy of the dissertation uploaded
, and additional surveys and forms as required. Both copies of the
title page must be printed on 8 ½ x 11 white, 16 or 20 pound weight, 100% rag
content paper. The final dissertation should be prepared in strict accordance
with the instructions provided in the
Electronic Doctoral Dissertation Instructions: Guide for Preparing and
, available
from the Graduate School-Newark. In addition, a
ll materials must be submitted to no later than
the announced deadlines for completing degree requirements. For further details
about deadlines and requirements, see
. The names of those who fail to
meet the Graduate School's deadlines will be removed automatically from the
commencement list for that degree date. It is the candidate's responsibility to
ensure that all Graduate School-Newark deadlines and requirements are met.
to Pass the Dissertation Defense
A student failing the oral
defense will be provided with a second opportunity for an additional defense
within six months of the original defense. The timing and requirements of the
subsequent defense, including any revisions to the dissertation, will be
determined by the Dissertation Committee. The second defense must follow the procedures
described above. Students normally will not be permitted to have a third
dissertation defense. Instead, they will be dismissed from the program.
Students who are dismissed from the doctoral program may appeal the decision.