Master of communications and information studies (M.C.I.S.) students complete 36 credits to earn their degree, taking a minimum of 3 credits and a maximum of 12 credits per semester. There are one general and three specialized tracks available. Students are admitted to the general program and may choose a generalist program, a specialized track, or combine tracks to focus on multiple areas of interest. Nearly all core and elective courses in the three specialized tracks are taught online and/or in the evening (between 6:20-9:00 p.m.) on weeknights. Some electives are cross-listed with the doctoral program in the school, but many are restricted to master's students only.
In the general track students take a self-designed course of study drawing from any of the specialized M.C.I.S. tracks as well as courses in other areas of the school. Courses related to strategic organizational communication, digital media, and health communication are offered throughout the year. The vast majority are evening or online offerings.
Strategic Organizational Communication
In the strategic organizational communication track, students are able to emphasize theory-based study of organizational process, structure, and interaction as well as use of new communication technologies in organizational and societal contexts. Courses examine organizations in a variety of contexts including businesses, nonprofits, civil society, and government. This track may be especially appealing for those whose have goals for careers in corporate communication, public relations, strategic use of social media in organizational settings, advocacy and promotion of advocacy, community-based, and nongovernmental organizations.
in this track include courses dealing with organizational leadership;
organizational decision making; organizational change; organizational training
and development; organizational communication networks; global organizations; work
and technology; media, marketing and communication; and social media.
Digital Media (available online)
The digital media track is designed for journalists and other communication specialists who wish to retool and gain understanding of 21st-century media. The coursework includes study of grassroots reporting and advocacy. The track will ensure students are conversant in digital video capture, editing, and production as well as social and digital media management. It is possible to complete the digital media track completely online, although face-to-face or online electives in other tracks are available for those students who want them.
Electives in this track include digital advocacy and persuasion; digital journalism; globalization, media, and social change; critiquing marketing communications; digital media innovation; and newer media law and policy.
Health Communication
The health communication track is intended for students who wish to specialize in various contexts related to community wellness and health interaction such as public health communication, facilitated provider-patient communication, health campaigns and advocacy, and community health and wellness.
Electives in this track include persuasion and advocacy; e-public health; interpersonal health; health campaigns; health communication; health informatics; communication about sexual health and relationships; and patient-provider communication. Students who have interests in health organizations may wish to combine study in this track with study in the strategic organizational communication track.