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School of Communication, Information and Library Studies
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  School of Communication and Information 2013–2015 Ph.D. Program in Communication, Information, and Library Studies Courses  

16:194:600 Ph.D. Colloquium (0) Required each semester in coursework. Forum for the presentation of research and professional activities by guest speakers, faculty, and students.
16:194:601 Communication, Information, and Media Theory (3)
The nature of communication, information, and media processes, and their role in individual, social, and institutional behavior. Particular emphasis on the conceptual linkages between communication, information and media, as well as theory and meta-theory relevant to all three processes.
16:194:602 Research Foundations (3) Concepts, methods, and practices of social science research in relation to communication, information science, and media studies.
16:194:603 Qualitative Research Methods (3)
Qualitative approaches for examining communication, media, and information processes, including definition, acquisition, evaluation, and use.
Prerequisites: 16:194:601, 602.
16:194:604 Quantitative Research Methods (3)
Examines facets of research, problem areas, research techniques, and range of techniques (including experimental designs). Each student develops a research methods proposal relating to a chosen topic.
Prerequisites: 16:194:601, 602, and statistics competency.
16:194:605 Interpretive Research (3) Issues, debates, and techniques related to textual and contextual analysis of media and other forms of data. 
Prerequisites: 16:194:601, 602.
16:194:608 Research Practicum (3) Students conduct original research under the supervision of one or more members of the program faculty and produce a scholarly paper to be submitted to a recognized conference or refereed journal. Results are presented at an interactive display session held each semester.
16:194:610 Seminar in Information Studies (3) Major problems, trends, and developments in information science and librarianship. Critical survey of current and classic research findings.
16:194:612 Human Information Behavior (3) Precursors to, and characteristics of, human information-seeking behavior, individual and social, both within and outside of institutional information systems. Relations between such behavior and information systems design and relevant technologies.
16:194:614 Information Retrieval Theory (3) Examines the basic problems of information retrieval (IR) from theoretical and experimental points of view. Develops a basis for the specification of design principles for IR systems.
16:194:617 Knowledge Representation for Information Retrieval (3) Concurrent consideration of options for knowledge representation, methods for evaluating the effect of these options on costs and effectiveness, and research relating to knowledge representation for information retrieval.
16:194:619 Experiment and Evaluation in Information Systems (3)
Measures, models, and methods for macroevaluation of impact of information systems within their environment and for microevaluation of performance of system components. Examines the design, conduct, and results associated with experiments.
16:194:620 Interpersonal Communication (3) Contemporary theories and major lines of classic and current research concerning interpersonal communication.
16:194:621 Organizational Communication Research (3)
Survey of major theories, methods, and research topics in the study of organizing and organizations. Examines a range of micro and macro topics related to organizing and organizations and the role of information and communication in those processes.
16:194:622 Health Communication (3) Provides an overview of the major areas of health communication, including health communication campaigns, physician-patient communication, and communication among health professionals and individuals affected by health issues.
16:194:631 Media Theory (3) Current mass communication theories and approaches analyzed from a research perspective. Topics include: critical theory, audience ethnography, uses and gratifications, socialization processes and effects, and agenda setting.
16:194:633 Mediated Communication (3) Examines newly emerging mediated communication technologies (e.g., mobile phones and internet) and how they relate to individuals, organizations, and society; also examines how social forces affect adoption and usage patterns of mediated technologies.
16:194:635 Health Communication Campaigns (3) Focuses on the design, implementation, and evaluation of communication programs designed to change health behavior of individuals, groups, and entire populations.
16:194:636 Interpersonal Health Communication (3)
This course overviews major themes of interpersonal health communication, including issues such as physician-patient communication, relationships for individuals with health issues, and the relationship of communication to physical and mental health outcomes.
16:194:637 Mediated Health Communication (3) Focuses on how mediated communication is transforming health/medical practice and affecting health policy processes. Topics range from the way mediated communication sources affect the search for and acquisition of health information to the way these technologies are used to affect the behavior of individuals, groups, and entire populations.
16:194:641 Information Policy and Technology (3)   Impact of modern revolution in information technology; related challenges of contemporary problems in information policies at individual, organizational, national, and international levels. Use of information indicators.
16:194:642 Information Regulation and Law (3) Information law and regulation; focus on the historical and contemporary legal and regulatory issues stemming from the application of information technology.
16:194:645 Advanced Concepts in Management of Information Organizations (3) Systematic consideration of the evolution of management theory leading to an evaluation of contemporary theoretical and research issues in planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling the information organization. Prerequisite: 17:610:508 or equivalent.
16:194:648 Organizational Assessment and Change (3) Systematic consideration of the theories and strategies of assessment, planning, development, and change at the organizational and programmatic levels in nonprofit and profit-seeking information organizations.
16:194:656 Theories and Issues in Library Studies (3) Seminar examines the intellectual foundations for librarianship as a discipline, the development of a broadened understanding of pervasive theories and research issues, and the identification and exploration of research literature in librarianship and pertinent allied fields.
16:194:660 Audience Studies (3) Investigates the nature of audiences, how audiences emerge, and how audiences can be studied. Theories to be critiqued include weak/strong effects, uses and gratifications, reader response theory, and cultural studies.
16:194:662 Media Criticism (3) The course provides an overview of theories, principles, and research that inform the practice of media education worldwide. Theories of media education, various approaches to media pedagogy, and contemporary research problems are addressed.
16:194:663 Media History (3) The course examines the history of print and electronic news media, considering them not as freestanding institutions but as key parts or aspects of wider cultural and political developments, and situating them in their historical context.
16:194:664 Media and Culture (3) Cultural approaches to media studies, with a focus on major theories and critical analysis of media and popular culture. Topics include: cultural theory; aesthetics and taste; representation and ideology; consumer culture; media, culture, and identity; gender, race, class, and sexuality in media; and fandom and subcultures.
16:194:665 Media and Politics (3) Theories and research relating old and new media to political decision making. Topics include public attitudes and opinion, media policy, interest articulation, political culture, ideology, rhetoric and content analysis, framing, and agenda setting.
16:194:666 Social Construction of News (3) Surveys and critiques social science research on news and the news media. Examines diverse scholarly perspectives, comparing them with the views of journalists, journalism critics, and the public.
16:194:670,671,672,673,674 Topics in Communication Processes I,II,III,IV,V (3,3,3,3,3)
16:194:675,676,677,678,679 Topics in Library and Information Science I,II,III,IV,V (3,3,3,3,3)
16:194:680,681,682,683,684 Topics in Media Studies I,II,III,IV,V (3,3,3,3,3)
16:194:695 Teaching Apprenticeship (0)
A noncredit teaching apprenticeship designed to provide doctoral candidates with classroom experience. The apprentice will work with a participating SCILS member of the graduate faculty to develop a plan for the apprentice's work.
16:194:696,697 Special Topics (3,3)
Section 01 - Communication
Section 02 - Library and Information Science
Section 03 - Media Studies
16:194:698,699 Independent Study (3,3) As a general rule, students only take independent study credits when no course offerings matching their needs are available. In no case should a student have more than one independent study as an elective counting toward their minimal doctoral degree requirements (unless director and area coordinator approve such a request). Students may take additional independent studies as long as they are not used to fulfill minimal program credit requirements. In other words, only one independent study will count toward degree credits.
16:194:701,702 Dissertation Research (BA, 1-12)
16:194:800 Matriculation Continued (0)
16:194:811 Graduate Fellowship (0)
16:194:866 Graduate Assistantship (6) (Assistantship credits for funded graduate and teaching assistants do NOT count toward degree requirements in the Ph.D. program.)
16:194:877 Teaching Assistantship (6) (Assistantship credits for funded graduate and teaching assistants do NOT count toward degree requirements in the Ph.D. program.)
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