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  School of Communication and Information 2011–2013 Ph.D. Program in Communication, Information, and Library Studies Program Program Requirements Dissertation Requirements  

Dissertation Requirements

Below is an overview of the dissertation process after the qualifying exam is passed. More detailed information is available for current students in the annual program handbook. The current edition may be found linked from

1. Selection of Probable Dissertation Chair

In consultation with the program director or area coordinator, the student identifies members of the Ph.D. faculty appropriate to serve as chair given the research topics of interest. The student consults with these individuals, and a chair is determined through process of mutual selection and with final approval of the program director. The chair and student, in consultation with the program director, select at least one additional faculty member to serve on the preliminary dissertation committee.

2. Preliminary Dissertation Proposal
The Preliminary Dissertation Proposal should include a statement of the research problem and/or rationale for a proposed project, an overview of relevant literature, alternative research methods that might be employed, a statement as to the value of the proposed project, and a bibliography. The Preliminary Proposal is evaluated by the chair, the committee members, and the Ph.D. program director. The evaluation process includes an oral examination by the chair and committee member(s). A title page is then approved by the chair, committee members, and director. A copy is also given to the program director to be kept in the Ph.D. Program Office. The topic of the Preliminary Dissertation Proposal may be changed, subsequent to its approval, in consultation with the chair and committee members, and with the approval of the program director.

3. Public Presentation of the Preliminary Dissertation Proposal
When the Preliminary Dissertation Proposal has been formally approved by the program director and committee, the dissertation chair and candidate select a date for presentation of the Preliminary Dissertation Proposal at a Ph.D. Colloquium. Multiple approved dates are available during the fall and spring semesters, and students should sign up for a presentation date through the program office. The signed preliminary proposal must be filed with the program office at least one week before the presentation is made. The presentation should include highlights from the proposal document and also allow for a question and answer period (approximately 30 minutes total, depending on number of presenters).

4. Selection of Additional Committee Members
The chair and candidate finalize the committee (a committee consists of the chair plus at least two members from the program faculty and one member outside of the School of Communication and Information (SC&I) appropriate to the dissertation topic).

NOTE: The proposed committee is subject to review and approval by the program director. Additionally, when proposed committee members are not members of the Rutgers University graduate faculty, a CV must be reviewed by the program director who then forwards it to the dean of the Graduate School for final approval. When approved, a formal letter of invitation and appointment is issued by the Graduate School–New Brunswick. Please allow at least two-weeks' lead time for such review.

5. Preparation of the Dissertation Proposal
With the guidance of his or her chair and the committee, the candidate prepares a formal Dissertation Proposal, which will normally be an expansion and elaboration of the Preliminary Dissertation Proposal. This may include feedback provided in the public presentation of the preliminary proposal. When the chair is satisfied that the proposal is acceptable in general, the chair schedules a meeting of the committee for purposes of formally reviewing, approving, or suggesting further modification needed in the proposal. When the proposal is acceptable to the chair and committee, they indicate approval by signing the Dissertation Proposal title page. A copy is given to the director to be kept on file in the Ph.D. Program Office.

6. Final Committee Meeting
When the candidate has completed the dissertation to the satisfaction of the chair, a draft is circulated to the entire committee. At least four weeks must be allowed for committee members to read the dissertation. Throughout the process, the candidate is encouraged to consult with the committee as appropriate.

The chair checks with all committee members. At this point the chair may elect to ask the candidate to prepare a revised draft for circulation to the committee. If all members feel that the draft is at a point where a final committee meeting/defense is appropriate, the final committee meeting/defense is scheduled. Any revisions, additions, or changes called for by the chair or committee, which arise out of the meeting, are made by the candidate, and a final draft of the dissertation is prepared.

7. Final Approval by Committee and Chair
When the chair and committee are fully satisfied that the dissertation is complete in a final form, they formally acknowledge their approval by signing the title page. Formal approval and sign-off by the chair and committee must be done after all have reviewed the final draft with any changes and revisions completed. When approved, the candidate submits one (1) copy of the completed dissertation to the office of the Ph.D. program. A check to cover the cost of binding must accompany the copy. (To give an idea of the amount, in 2011-12 the cost was $40.)

8.  Public Presentation/Defense and Program Director Approval
The program director, in consultation with the candidate and the chair, schedules a public presentation/defense, which is open to faculty, students, and friends. The candidate also provides 30 copies of the "Abstract" with an attached biographical sketch for distribution to the program faculty and students. This must be done four weeks before the Graduate School–New Brunswick deadline for final submission of all degree information. These deadline dates are set by the Graduate School–New Brunswick.

The presentation should include highlights from the dissertation document and also allow for a question and answer period (approximately 30 minutes total). Following a satisfactory presentation/defense, the program director indicates final approval of the dissertation by signing the Candidacy Form (available from the Program Office and online from the graduate school), which the candidate must return to the Office of the Graduate School–New Brunswick.
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