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Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-Newark
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Accounting 010
Adminstrative Sciences 011
Business of Fashion 134
Entrepreneurship 382
Finance 390, 393
Business Ethics 522
Leadership and Management 620
Management Science and Information Systems 623
Marketing 630
Supply Chain Management 799
Real Estate 851
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  Newark Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2020 Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-Newark Courses Management Science and Information Systems 623  

Management Science and Information Systems 623
29:623:220 Management Information Systems (3) Microcomputer-based course that provides a comprehensive understanding of computer systems and application software. Hands-on approach to learning widely used spreadsheet, database, word processor, and presentation application packages and internet tools.
29:623:311 Production and Operations Management (3) Managerial ideas and techniques for scheduling and controlling production processes and  planning, organizing, and controlling functions are developed through quantitative applications; interrelationships, behavioral aspects, and practical applications. Prerequisite: 29:623:220, 21:220:231, or equivalent.
29:623:318 Systems Analysis and Design (3) Presents a practical approach to systems analysis and design using a blend of traditional development with current technologies. Defines and describes in detail the five phases of systems development life cycle (SDLC): systems planning, systems analysis, systems design, system implementation, and systems operations and support. Provides students with the tools for communication, economic analysis, and project planning across all phases of communication and SDLC. Furnishes students with an in-depth understanding of how information systems support business requirements in today's competitive environment. Prerequisite: 29:623:220.
29:623:319 Database Management Systems for Business Applications (3) Examines conceptual data modeling. Focus on identifying user information requirements and the use of commercial database management systems in designing and implementing database systems. Prerequisite: 29:623:220.
29:623:321 Designing and Creating Websites (3) Visual design and proper organization of interactive websites, including electronic commerce sites.  Software tools for creating web material.  Web design projects and critical analysis of existing website design and organization.
Prerequisite: 29:623:220.
29:623:335 Data Warehousing and Data Mining (3) Introduction to data warehousing, mining, and knowledge management. The overall objective of this course is to introduce students to both technical and managerial issues and implications for business decisions of knowledge management, data mining, and data warehousing. Through lectures, discussions, and hands-on work, students learn to use as well as understand the strategic and effective application of these technologies. The knowledge discovery process includes data selection, cleaning, coding, using different statistical pattern recognition and machine learning techniques, and reporting and visualization of the generated structures. The course will cover all these issues and will illustrate the whole process by examples of practical applications. Some topics covered include: knowledge discovery in databases, traditional statistics, neural networks, decision trees, Bayesian learning, association rules, commercial tools, feature selection, and advanced techniques. A special emphasis is made on the application domain of each method. Important related technologies such as data warehousing and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) will be also discussed. Prerequisite: 29:623:319.
29:623:340 Introduction to Business Research Methods (3) Focus on translating a business problem into a research project: formulate hypotheses, identify and locate data sources, consider ways to gather primary and secondary data, perform analysis using major statistical computer packages, effectively present findings and interpretation. Prerequisites: 21:220:231 or equivalent; 29:623:220.
29:623:345 Cyber Security (3) Introduces students to the emerging area of information security. Provides an understanding of the state-of-the-art security technologies for securing communications, securing access, and hacker attacks. Security requirements such as identification and authentication, authorization, and access control are discussed, along with technologies to enforce them. The course also discusses issues such as regulation, database security, secure electronic payments, authentication technologies, host-based and network-based security issues, personnel and physical security issues, and issues of law and privacy. Prerequisite: 29:623:319 or 375.
29:623:350 Structured Programming Applications (3) Structured programming, systems development, and intermediate data structures using the C programming language. Object-oriented programming concepts and the C++ language. Emphasis on exercising these tools on business problem solving and business systems development. Prerequisite: 29:623:220.
29:623:355 Web and Data Management (3) The objective of this course is to introduce students to the concepts of web-based application development. Introduces the tools--including database management systems, SQL, procedural programming, and web/HTML/graphic elements--that are required to link a database system with a website. Prerequisite: 29:623:319.
29:623:375 Computer Network Applications (3) Introduction to features and resources of the internet, with hands-on approach to using tools such as Telnet; FTP; electronic mail, bulletin boards, talk, and computer conferencing; file servers; the web; browsers; search methods; and internet search engines. Also explored: construction of webpages using HTML and the UNIX operating system. Prerequisite: 29:623:220.
29:623:385 Introduction to ERP Provides an introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, and addresses how enterprise information systems are integrated and facilitated to improve business operations. This is a comprehensive course with an emphasis on hands-on experience of SAP R/3. Prerequisite: 29:623:318 or 319.
29:623:400 Decision Analysis Under Uncertainty (3) Decision tree methods for decisions with uncertain information. Analyzing business inventory management. Forecasting product and service demands.  Prerequisite: 29:623:319.
29:623:496 MIS Internship (BA) On-site MIS position in a corporate or not-for-profit organization.  By arrangement with the Career Development Center and an RBS career management specialist. Prerequisites: 29:010:203, 29:010:204, 29:390:329, 29:620:301, 29:623:220, 29:630:301, and 29:799:301.
29:625:498 MIS Cooperative Education (6) (BA) Three credits will count toward MIS elective credit, and 3 credits will count toward free elective credit. Internship program for six months (January to June, or June to December) at a participating corporation.  Must complete the co-op form and consult with an RBS career management specialist to receive credit. Evaluations by corporate supervisor in the participating organization and an RBS career management specialist determine final grade in the course.  By arrangement with the Career Development Center and an RBS career management specialist. Prerequisites: 29:010:203, 29:010:204, 29:390:329, 29:620:301, 29:623:220, 29:630:301, and 29:799:301.
29:623:499 MIS Independent Study (BA) Individual work by the student on a practical research problem supervised by a full-time faculty member. Presentation of a written report upon completion of the study. Prerequisites: Requires application at the RBS undergraduate dean's office; senior status.
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