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Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-Newark
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Accounting 010
Adminstrative Sciences 011
Business of Fashion 134
Entrepreneurship 382
Finance 390, 393
Business Ethics 522
Leadership and Management 620
Management Science and Information Systems 623
Marketing 630
Supply Chain Management 799
Real Estate 851
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  Newark Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2020 Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-Newark Courses Leadership and Management 620  

Leadership and Management 620

29:620:301 Introduction to Management (3) Management is about the right work done well. Effective management requires development and implementation of strategy and organizational design in innovative, globally diverse, and socially responsible organizations resulting in superior growth and performance. This course introduces key concepts related to the practice of management in building successful organizations. Topics include: evolution of management principles, strategic management, organizational design, performance management, managing innovation and growth, global management, building a socially responsible organization, managing the diverse organization, and creating an engaged workforce. Prerequisite: Any course equal or greater than 21:355:099.
29:620:302 Management Skills (3) Focuses on the manager's role in working with and leading others including understanding how people differ; developing proficiencies for working with others through decision-making and communication; enhancing emotional intelligence, motivation, and commitment; and building and leading teams. Prerequisite: Any course equal or greater than 21:355:099.
29:620:320 Cross-Cultural Management (3) This course addresses the challenges and opportunities that people experience in international, multicultural environments. The purpose is to develop students' understanding and behavioral skills relevant to the interaction of different cultures in business and organizational settings. Uses a variety of methods such as experiential learning, case studies, and hands-on activities in the classroom to assist students in developing their cross-cultural sensitivity and competence. Prerequisite: 29:620:301.
29:620:330 Women Leading in Business (3) Provides a foundation to develop the leadership skills and career goals as leaders in business organizations. Introduces the core concepts of leadership and career development with special emphasis on the ways that gender affects leadership capabilities and effectiveness. Prerequisite: 29:620:301.
29:620:345 Management of Human Resources (3) Engages students in exploring traditional HR functions (staffing, employee development/training, job evaluation, compensation, and benefits administration) through the use of real-world examples. Explores contemporary issues related to the management of human resources; emphasizes government legislation affecting human resource functions and the linkage between human resource management and organizational strategy. Students learn "how to" perform HR functions like writing policies, interviewing job candidates, and applying government regulations to an organization's structure. Prerequisite: 29:620:301.
29:620:350 Negotiations (3) Examines the major concepts, theories, and processes of negotiation; analyzes the dynamics of interpersonal and intergroup conflict and its resolution in managerial settings; emphasizes the building and practicing of negotiation skills using role-playing exercises. Prerequisite: 29:620:301.
29:620:355 Managing Technological Innovation: In-House Entrepreneurship (3) Focuses on creating streams of new products or services in established firms by leveraging science and technology. Topics include: managing multiple innovation teams, managing research and development and other resources to support streams of new products, developing a long-term strategic commitment to technological innovation, and organizing for innovation. Prerequisite: 29:620:301.
29:620:362 Effective Leadership Communication (3) This course will help develop students' communication skills in both oral and written format. Attention will be given to both higher-level theoretical analyses of effective communication (for example, how does persuasion work) and also interactions on every level (for example, initiating and responding to difficult conversations). Students will also be instructed in effective writing techniques (including the need for editing of one's first attempts). Finally, a theme in the course will be the need to be concise in both spoken and written language to be most effective. Prerequisite: 29:620:302.
29:620:368 International Business (3) This course examines the distinctive circumstances of management arising from the conduct of business in more than one country. It presents a broad survey of different facets of international business environment including international trading system, the world trade organization, international monetary system, regional trading blocs such as the European Union, and home and host country policies in international investments. Additionally, students learn theoretical and practical aspects of multinational corporations operating in an international environment, problems and risks that may be encountered, and various bases for profitable operations. Prerequisite: 29:620:301.
29:620:370 Managing Diversity in Organizations (3) As the workforce, organizations, and the business environment become more diverse and global, being able to work effectively with people who do not share your background, experiences, or self-identification is an important management skill that will have effects on both your employer and on your own career prospects. The purpose of this course is to understand and practice management skills that support a commitment to diversity and inclusion. Prerequisite: 29:620:301.
29:620:375 Organizational Design and Change (3) Describes major perspectives on organizational structures, processes, and culture, and examines models of organizational change; introduces methodologies that facilitate creativity and change at the individual, group, and organizational levels. Prerequisite: 29:620:301.
29:620:402 Global Management and Strategy (3) This course focuses on the strategic and organizational challenges that multinational enterprises (MNEs) face. You will learn what business executives and managers in MNEs - regardless of their functional area (e.g., manufacturing, marketing, R&D, etc.) - need to know and do in order to be effective in managing today's MNEs. The course addresses the creation of competitive advantage in the multinational firm as well as the complexities of managing a multinational firm. Examines the nature of global industries and global competition to assist managers in understanding how to create and administer a successful global strategy. Prerequisite: 29:620:368.
29:620:410 Executive Leadership (3) Covers the role of leaders and leadership in achieving organizational goals at different levels of analysis, including the individual, dyad, teams, and at a strategic level; how to work effectively with and through other people to develop a shared vision and accomplish organizational goals; and how to lead change and take initiative to improve organizational outcomes. In addition, students in the course will work on the self-transformation process that will enable them to make the transition to being a leader and to leading effectively in a diverse and global environment. Prerequisites: 29:620:301 and 302.
29:620:418 Business Policy and Strategy (3) This capstone course deals with formulating and implementing strategies that help firms to achieve competitive advantage and superior performance. Topics include business-level strategies, analysis of the competitive environment, internal analysis, strategy formulation, corporate strategy, mergers and acquisitions, strategic alliances, and corporate restructuring. Prerequisites: 29:010:204, 29:390:329, 29:620:301, 29:630:301, and senior status.
29:620:430 Team Building and Group Processes (3) Examines the skills needed to successfully manage teams in organizations. Utilizes exercises, role-plays, case analyses, and discussions to establish skills. Skills examined and practiced include team building, conflict management, decision-making, and strategic thinking. Prerequisite: 29:620:301.
29:620:479 Global Experience Courses (e.g., Doing Business in South Africa, China, India, Israel, etc.) (3) This course will provide you a comprehensive and hands-on understanding of doing business in a particular country. The course features a study trip to a foreign country for 8-10 days, which is supplemented by in class meetings and online exercises. By taking this course, you should be able to develop a deep understanding of the social, economic, cultural, and political environment of the chosen country, the market dynamics, competitive landscape, and consumer behavior, and various other country-specific issues such as the interaction between business, society, NGOs, and the government.
29:620:487 Management Consulting (3) Develops management consulting skills by examining the best practices for internal and external consultants to introduce change. The course teaches key aspects of the consulting process including problem assessment and diagnosis, contracting, data collection, analysis, implementation, resistance to change, evaluation, and ethics.  Prerequisite: 29:620:301.
29:620:491 Management Cooperative Education (6) (BA)

Three credits will count toward management elective credit, and 3 credits will count toward free elective credit. Internship program for six months (January to June, or June to December) at a participating corporation. Must complete the co-op form and consult with an RBS career management specialist to receive credit. Evaluations by corporate supervisor in the participating organization and an RBS career management specialist determine final grade in the course.   

By arrangement with the Career Development Center and an RBS career management specialist. Prerequisites: 29:010:203, 29:010:204, 29:390:329, 29:620:301, 29:623:220, 29:630:301, and 29:799:301.
29:620:494 Special Topics: Managing Teams (3) The course examines the skills needed to successfully manage teams in organizations.  It offers students the opportunity to establish their skills through the use of exercises, role plays, case analyses, and discussions. The skills examined and practiced include team building, conflict management, decision making, and strategic thinking. Prerequisite: 29:620:301.
29:620:496,497 Management Internship (BA) On-site management position in a corporate or not-for-profit organization. By arrangement with the Career Development Center and a Rutgers Business School career management specialist. By arrangement with the Career Development Center and an RBS career management specialist. Prerequisites: 29:010:203, 29:010:204, 29:390:329, 29:620:301, 29:623:220, 29:630:301, and 29:799:301.
29:620:498,499 Independent Management Projects (BA) An individual research and reading program under the guidance of a member of the department. Prerequisites: Senior status, 12 credits in management.
26:620:XXX Various Management and Global Business Special Topics Courses (3) The courses offered vary semester by semester. Sample topics include 26:620:493 Sports Business and 26:620:486 Music Industry.
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