Students will complete 18
credits chosen from core and elective courses, and must
earn a C or better in all
classes counted toward the minor. The distribution of the requirements will be
as follows:
- At least 3 courses in core courses, from at least two
different departments.
- The remainder of the courses will be chosen from core
and elective courses so that each minor will have taken courses in at least
three different departments.
- Language proficiency: each minor will demonstrate
proficiency in Spanish or Portuguese either by completing a course in either
language at the 200 level or by placement exam.
Core Courses
21:510:207 History of Colonial Latin
21:510:208 History of Modern Latin America
Latin America and the United States
21:510:374,375 History of Spain
21:510:377 Portugal and Its Empire
Political Science
21:790:311 Government and Politics of Latin America
21:790:345 International Relations of Latin America
Sociology and Anthropology
21:070:352 Peoples and Cultures of Latin
Spanish and Portuguese
21:812:208 Introduction to Brazilian
21:812:253,254 Brazilian Literature in English
21:812:349 Brazilian Film and Literature
21:940:208 Introduction to Latin
American Literature
21:940:343,344 Latin American Literature
in English Translation
21:940:348 Hispanic Film and Literature
21:940:350 U.S. Hispanic Literature
21:220:339 Economic Development
21:352:324 Latino/a Literature and
21:352:356 Caribbean Literature
21:352:368 Narratives of Migration in
the Americas
21:510:312 Democracy and Rebellion in Modern Latin
21:510:317 History of the Caribbean
21:510:325 History of Mexico and Central America
Topics in Latin American and Caribbean History
Political Science
21:790:345 International Relations of Latin America
Sociology and Anthropology
21:920:375 Poverty and Growth in Africa,
Asia, and Latin America
Spanish and Portuguese
21:812:321 Oral History of Newark's Ironbound Neighborhood
21:812:342,343 Lusophone World Culture I and II
21:812:351 Soccer, Samba, and
Spiritualism: Performing the Nation in Portugal and Brazil
21:812:440,441 Topics in Portuguese and Brazilian Culture
21:940:270 Puerto Rican Literature
21:940:280 Laughter and Society in Renaissance Spain
21:940:304 Slavery, Race, and Black
Experience in Spanish-American Literature
21:940:322 Latino Bilingualism in the
United States
21:940:324 Puerto Rican Narrative
21:940:331 Themes in Spanish and
Spanish-American Literatures
21:940:333 The Latin American Short Story
21:940:371 The Drama of Society: Theater and the World in Renaissance Spain
21:940:375 Indigenous and Indigenista
Literature from Latin America
21:940:379 National Literatures of
Spanish America
21:940:381 Journalism in the Hispanic
World: From Theory to Practice
21:940:390 Passions of the Flesh: Emotion, Body, and the Self in Renaissance Spain
21:940:432 Spanish-American Literature
of the Post-boom
21:940:453 Hispanic Women Writers
21:940:454 Contemporary Latin American Novel
21:940:461 Nineteenth-Century Spanish-American Literature
21:940:462 Spanish-American Literature: 20th-Century Poetry
and Prose
21:940:498 Theoretical Approaches to
Hispanic Literature and Culture