Degree holding students who want to earn a second bachelor's degree at Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-Newark (RBS) must apply online through the Rutgers-Newark Admissions Office at Rutgers graduates must reenroll via the Re-Enrollment Application. All second-degree candidates must complete all RBS
pre-eligibility courses, the RBS core and major requirements, and complete a
minimum of 30 credits. Those already holding a bachelor of science degree from RBS must complete the major courses and a minimum of 30 credits.
(Presumably the core has already been completed. If however, additional courses
have been added to the core, these must be completed for graduation).
Degree-holding students who wish to earn a major in accounting and sit
for the CPA should consult with the accounting department to determine the
combination of courses that are most appropriate for their needs. Currently,
only those students with 150 credits may sit for the test.