Accounting Core Requirement
All accounting majors are required to maintain a cumulative grade-point average of 2.50 and complete the following required courses:
29:010:304 Cost and Quality Management (3)
29:010:305 Intermediate Accounting I (3)
20:010:306 Intermediate Accounting II (3)
29:010:413 Federal Tax I: Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation (3)
29:010:423 Accounting for Business Combinations and Government Accounting (3)
29:010:430 Auditing (3)
29:010:485 Computer Augmented Accounting (3)
Accounting Electives
All accounting majors are required to complete one accounting elective from the following list of courses:
29:010:320 Business Law II: Uniform Commercial Code (3)
29:010:414 Federal Tax II: Advanced Corporate Issues (3)
29:010:494/496 Accounting Internship (BA) (must complete the internship form and consult with an RBS career management specialist to receive credit)
29:010:497 Accounting Cooperative (6) (BA) (6 credits: 3 credits will count toward accounting elective credit and 3 credits will count toward free elective credit.) Internship program for six months (January to June, or June to December) at a participating corporation. Must complete the Co-op Form and consult with an RBS career management specialist to receive credit. Evaluations by corporate supervisor in the participating organization and an RBS career management specialist determine final grade in the course. Prerequisites: 29:010:204, 29:390:329, 29:620:300, 29:630:301, and junior standing.
29:010:498/9 Independent Study in Accounting (must complete the independent study form and consult with an academic adviser to receive credit)
29:390:330 Corporate Finance (3)
29:390:340 Financial Statements and Security Analysis (3)
To sit for the CPA examination, those majoring in accounting must also complete the following courses:
29:010:320 Business Law II: Uniform Commercial Code (3)
29:390:330 Corporate Finance (3)
To satisfy the 150-credit requirement, any additional undergraduate courses may be taken. Students are urged to enroll in one of the following master's degree programs designed to meet the CPA requirements:
Master of Accountancy in Financial Accounting
Master of Accountancy in Taxation
Master of Accountancy in Governmental Accounting