The bachelor of science (B.S.) degree in geosciences requires 73 credits.
Required Courses (40 credits)
21:460:103 Planet Earth (3)
21:460:104 Planet Earth Laboratory (1)
21:460:206 Environmental Geology (3)
21:460:207 Environmental Geology Laboratory (1)
21:460:311 Geologic Field Methods (3)
21:460:314 Stratigraphy (4)
21:460:320 Structural Geology (4)
21:460:323 Rocks and Minerals (4)
21:460:375 Quantitative Methods in the Geosciences (4)
21:460:400 Introduction to Soil Science (4)
21:460:401 Introduction to Geochemistry (3)
21:460:406 Applied Geophysics (3)
21:460:427 Hydrogeology (3)
Any two of the following (6-7 credits)
21:460:311 Oceanography (3)
21:460:325 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (3)
21:160:223 Analytical Chemistry (3)
21:160:227 Experimental Analytical Chemistry (3)
21:160:331 Organic Chemistry Laboratory (2)
21:160:335 Organic Chemistry I (4)
21:160:336 Organic Chemistry II (4)
28:460:309 NJIT Geomorphology (3)
28:375:385 NJIT Environmental Microbiology (3)
28:375:416 NJIT Environmental Toxicology (3)
Required Cognate Courses (26 credits)
one year of General Chemistry with Laboratory (10)
one year of mathematics (Calculus I and Calculus II) (8)
one year of General Biology with Laboratory or Concepts of Biology (120:200) and Foundations of Biology: Cell and Molecular and Lab (120:201 and 202)* (8) or one year of General Physics with Laboratory (10)
* Please note: Students wishing to double major in Environmental Science must take 120:200 and 120:201 and 202.
Senior Seminar(1) (must be taken in final year)
21:460:485,486 Seminar in Geology (1,1)
Undergraduate Research Experience
21:460:415,416 Undergraduate Research in Geoscience (BA,BA)
The department strongly encourages students to participate in faculty-led research with the approval of the chair. Students may substitute a maximum of 6 credits toward the environmental science minor with an undergraduate research experience.