Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
About the University
Undergraduate Education in Newark
Liberal Arts Colleges
Admission to the Liberal Arts Colleges
How to Apply
When to Apply
High School Entrance Units
Additional Admission Categories
Academic Credit
Newark College of Arts and Sciences
University College–Newark
Academic Programs and Courses
Administration and Faculty
Consortium with New Jersey Institute of Technology
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-Newark
School of Criminal Justice
School of Public Affairs and Administration
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Newark Undergraduate Catalog 2013–2015 Liberal Arts Colleges Admission to the Liberal Arts Colleges Credentials  


First-Year Students

Current high school students who will graduate in 2011 or later are required to self-report their courses, grades, grade-point averages, and rank in-class with Rutgers' free-standing online form: the Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR). The SRAR is submitted instead of an interim transcript prior to graduation. The SRAR must include all courses and final grades earned from grades 9 through 11. Discrepancies between a student's SRAR and official transcript may result in a student's admission to Rutgers being rescinded. Rutgers will not accept an interim paper transcript sent from the high school. A final official transcript, which may be submitted in paper or electronic form, will be requested after a student's graduation from high school.

International students are also required to use the SRAR. Upon enrollment, academic records (such as the SSC, HSSC, WAEC, Tajihiyah, GXE, GCE, Bagrut, or other results and certificates) should be submitted directly from an educational authority. Students who completed secondary education outside of the United States must also submit valid national or international exam results. International applicants should visit for more information.

All first-year applicants, both international and United States, must submit standardized test scores, either SAT or ACT. Scores must be sent electronically. Paper copies or scores reported on high school transcripts are not acceptable. Applicants should visit to register for the SAT or to register for the ACT. If an applicant has already taken one of the tests, Rutgers can be added to your score report by visiting the appropriate website. When requesting your scores, use SAT code of 2765 or ACT code of 2592.

Transfer Students

A student who has earned 12 college-level credits or more at an accredited institution of higher education by the expected date of entrance at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is considered a transfer student.

Fall transfer applicants must submit transcripts that include fall semester grades from the preceding year if enrolled in college that semester. Spring transfer applicants must submit transcripts that include spring semester grades from the preceding year if enrolled in college that semester.

The following documents must be submitted with the application for admission:

1. Official secondary school transcript from a U.S. high school or international equivalent or GED diploma and scores.

2. Official transcripts of work completed at other colleges (U.S. and/or international) indicating the titles, numbers, and grades earned for courses completed. For more information about international students, please see visit

3. A list of courses in progress at a degree-granting institution if currently enrolled.

4. SAT or ACT scores. Candidates exempt from taking the SAT or ACT include those who have been out of high school two or more years or those with 12 or more college-level credits completed after high school regardless of high school graduation year.

Students who need to take either of the standardized tests should visit to register for the SAT or to register for the ACT. If an applicant has already taken one of the tests, Rutgers can be added to your score report by visiting the appropriate website. When requesting your scores, use SAT code of 2765 or ACT code of 2592.

For additional information, contact RU-info at 732-445-info (4636) or
Comments and corrections to: Campus Information Services.

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