Communications Skills: Writing and Reading Study Skills (2+N4, 2+N4)
Two-semester course in language and study skills; developmental activities to enhance the ability to perform the reading, writing, and study tasks required in college and to increase awareness of the uses of language; classroom, tutoring, and computer laboratory work included.
Some sections designated for English as a second language.
English Composition (3,3)
101: Analytical writing based on nonfiction readings. Emphasis on revising skills and critical thinking. Students must demonstrate the ability to write accurately, coherently, and thoughtfully in response to representative university-level readings. 102: Extensive analytical writing based on literary texts, including fiction, poetry, and drama. Introduction to library resources and to writing that incorporates research.
Open to students on basis of placement test only. 21&62:355:101-102 is the introductory composition sequence for students who have not completed 6 credits in English composition at another institution. Prerequisite: For entry into 21&62:355:102 students must have completed 21&62:355:101 with a grade of C or better.
Honors English Composition (3,3)
In lieu of 21&62:355:
101-102, this course carries well-prepared students beyond the limits of the regular first-year program.
Prerequisite: Designed for highly qualified first-year students.
Advanced Exposition (3)
How to plan, revise, edit, and document lucid and persuasive preprofessional and professional articles, reports, and research papers; meticulous evaluation of student writings; conferences.
Prerequisites: 21&62:355:101-102 or equivalent. Specific sections may be designated as writing intensive.
Support Services
Throughout a student's enrollment at Rutgers, we stand ready to help with tutoring in the Writing Center, with semester-long intensive writing workshops attached to particular courses and software solutions to provide practice in specific writing skills. Our semester-long intensive writing workshops provide supplemental instruction and support attached to specific courses.
Intensive Writing Workshops: 21:355:100 NC (N1, corequisite: 355:101) for English 101 students. Transition Workshops: 21:355:100:NC (N1, corequisite: 355:102) for English 102 students.