A minor is not required for graduation. Most of the major programs listed above also offer minor programs. A minor generally consists of 18-21 credits of coursework in a discipline, but more specific requirements may be imposed by the sponsoring department. Half of the requirements for the minor program must be completed at University College-Newark.
Students must consult the relevant chair or program director for full details, as well as file a declaration of intent to complete a minor in the academic department offering the minor.
The following minors are offered to students at the Newark College of Arts and Sciences. Requirements for each minor are described in the Academic Programs and Courses chapter of this catalog.
010 Accounting
014 African-American and African Studies
050 American Studies
060 Ancient and Medieval Civilizations
070 Anthropology
075 Archaeology
080 Art
098 Asian Studies
120 Biology
130 Botany
135 Business Administration
149 Central and Eastern European Studies
160 Chemistry
198 Computer Science
202 Criminal Justice
220 Economics
350 English, Literature
420 French
460 Geology
470 German
510 History
551 International Affairs (Classical and Modern Languages and Literatures, and Political Science)
560 Italian
570 Journalism and Media Studies
603 Legal Studies (History and Political Science)
640 Mathematics
700 Music
730 Philosophy
750 Physics
755 Physics, Applied
790 Political Science
812 Portuguese
830 Psychology
836 Puerto Rican Studies
860 Russian
861 Slavic
880 Science, Technology, and Society
910 Social Work
920 Sociology
940 Spanish
965 Television
965 Theater Arts
988 Women's Studies
990 Zoology