Every student must successfully complete 6 credits in a single
field: African American studies, anthropology,
criminal justice, economics, political science, psychology, social work, or sociology.
The following courses fulfill the social sciences requirement:
African American and African Studies
or 112 African-American and African Studies or
21&62:014:220 Contemporary Black Political Thought or
21&62:014:278 Black Subcultures of the United States or
21&62:014:356 Minority Politics and Public Policy
21&62:014:388 Survey of Black Political Economy
or 204 Introduction to Physical or Cultural Anthropology
and any 200- to 400-level anthropology or archaeology course
Criminal Justice
21&62:202:201 Introduction to Criminal Justice and
21&62:202:303 Criminology
21&62:220:101,102 Introduction to Economics, Micro and Macro
Political Science
21&62:790:201 American National Government and one of the following for which 790:201 is the prerequisite:
21&62:790:202 America and the World
21&62:790:203 Introduction to Comparative Politics
21&62:790:356 Sex, Law, and Public Policy
21&62:790:362 The Politics of Poverty
21&62:790:382 Environmental Politics and Policy
21&62:790:385 Religion, Politics, and Public Policy or the sequence:
21&62:790:371 Early Political Theory (prerequisite: junior standing or permission of instructor) and
21&62:790:372 Modern Political Theory
21&62:830:101,102 Principles of Psychology or 21&62:830:103,104 Cognitive Science I,II
Social Work
Human Behavior and the Social Environment (prerequisites: 21&62:830:102 and
21&62:920:201 or 202) or 21&62:910:341 Social Welfare Policies through
1930s or 21&62:910:342 Contemporary Social Welfare Policies
or 21&62:910:345 Human Diversity (prerequisites: 830:102 and
920:201 or 202)
21&62:920:201 Introduction to Sociology I and any 200- or 300-level course in sociology.
For updated information about courses that fulfill this requirement, contact the Office of Dean of Student Affairs.