Students must complete a major in one of the disciplines shown below:
010 Accounting
198 Computer Science
202 Criminal Justice
220 Economics
350 English
390 Finance
510 History
548 Information Systems
620 Management
630 Marketing
642 Mathematics, Applied
730 Philosophy
790 Political Science
830 Psychology
910 Social Work
920 Sociology
The general advisers, the deans, and staff members of the Career Development Center can provide assistance to students who are undecided about an appropriate program to pursue.
The requirements for each major are established by the appropriate academic department and are subject to modification. The number of credits needed to complete a major varies. Some programs of study may require more than the minimum 124 credits necessary for graduation. For details about specific majors, see the Academic Programs and Courses chapter.
Students must satisfy the requirements specified by the department of their major at the time they officially declare that major. Students leaving the college for two terms or more must meet the requirements in place at the time they return.
No course in which a grade of D or F has been earned may be counted toward the completion of a major or minor; in some disciplines the required cumulative grade-point average for the major is higher than the minimum specified by the college for graduation. Transfer students must complete at least one-half of the credits required for their major at the college.