Theories and Research in Health Promotion (3)
Focuses on health promotion of individuals, families, and communities
across the life span. Relevant theories developed and tested in nursing
and other disciplines reviewed. Research findings evaluated, with
attention to gaps in knowledge and recommendations for further
research. Current trends in research related to health promotion and
disease prevention discussed.
Theories and Research in Chronic Illness (3)
Examines chronic illness of individuals, families, and communities across the life span. Relevant theories developed and tested in nursing and other disciplines reviewed. Research findings evaluated, with attention to gaps in knowledge and recommendations for further research. Current trends in research related to chronic illness management and prevention of complications discussed.
Evolution of Nursing Knowledge (3)
Historical, philosophical, and theoretical bases of nursing knowledge. Analysis of conceptual systems/models for nursing in terms of potential for theory development and research. Identification of phenomena relevant to nursing that require new theoretical explanation or further refinements.
Contemporary Dimensions of Research in Nursing (3)
In-depth examination of research in nursing, including developing areas of inquiry, instrument development, ethical and legal issues, and funding sources. Evaluation of nursing knowledge to discover fruitful areas for future investigation in order to revise, extend, or create new knowledge.
Prerequisite: 26:705:675. Pre- or corequisite: 16:960:532 or comparable course.
Theory Development and Research in Nursing I (3)
Beginning theory development, i.e., concept formation and analysis; the inductive process; and qualitative research methods. Issues related to the creation of knowledge unique to the discipline.
Prerequisite: 26:705:675.
Corequisite: 26:705:676.
Theory Development and Research in Nursing II (3)
Advanced theory development, including relational statements, hypothesis formation, the deductive process, and quantitative research methods. Impact of deductive theory and quantitative approaches to the development of nursing knowledge.
Prerequisites: 26:705:675, 677. Pre- or corequisite: 16:960:532 or comparable course.
Contemporary Issues in Nursing (2)
Selected issues and research in nursing education, nursing administration, and nursing practice. Extensive examination of nursing research leading to policy formulation and strategies for policy implementation. Research conducted under supervision of a faculty member.
Prerequisites: 26:705:675, 677, 678. Pre- or corequisite: 26:705:676.
Quantitative Methods in Nursing Research (3)
Focuses on development of advanced knowledge and skills in quantitative research design and methods. Within each quantitative design, students will evaluate and critique issues of data collection, sampling, analyses, and interpretation.
Prerequisites: 26:705:675, 677, 678.
Dissertation Seminar I (3)
Conceptual phase of the research process, including description of
research problems, formulation of problem statements, development of
theoretical background, and derivation of testable hypothesis.
Prerequisites: 26:705:675, 676, 677, 678.
Dissertation Seminar II (3)
Research designs and methods appropriate to the study of individual
research problems. All aspects of empirical phase of research,
especially instrumentation, statistical tools, and ethical guidelines.
Prerequisites: 26:705:675, 676, 677, 678, 701.
Dissertation Research (BA)
Research under supervision of faculty member.
Special Topics (3)
Topics include substantive knowledge in the areas of faculty research. Topics change each semester that the course is offered.
Matriculation Continued (E1)