Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School-Newark
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Biology 120
Chemistry 160
Computational Biology 197
Criminal Justice 202
Economics 220
English 350 (Includes American Literature 352)
Environmental Science 375
Environmental Geology 380
Global Affairs 478
Master of Science in Global Affairs
Doctor of Philosophy in Global Affairs
History 510
Integrative Neuroscience 546
Jazz History and Research 561
Liberal Studies 606
Management 620
Mathematical Sciences 645
Nursing 705
Physics, Applied 755
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Public Administration 834
Urban Systems 977 (Joint Ph.D. Program with NJIT and UMDNJ)
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  Graduate School-Newark 2004-2006 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Global Affairs 478 Doctor of Philosophy in Global Affairs  

Doctor of Philosophy in Global Affairs


Seventy-three credits are required for the degree of doctor of philosophy in global affairs. All students must complete 49 credits of course work, 3 credits of an internship, and 21 credits of dissertation research. In addition, students must pass the 46-credit review; pass a comprehensive examination; write, successfully defend, and deposit a dissertation; and fulfill the language requirement.

Course Requirements

Required Courses (12 credits)

Students must take at least one course from four of the following five topic areas:

1. Forms of Global Governance

   26:790:521  Theories of Global Politics (3)

   26:790:537  Global Governance (3)

2. Environmental Issues in Global Perspective

   26:790:530  Environmental Politics and Policy (3)

   26:790:538  Global Environmental Issues (3)

   EvSc 615  Global Environmental Problems (NJIT) (3)

   EPS 622  Sustainable Development (NJIT) (3)

3. Global Political Economy and Business

   26:553:601  Theory of International Business (3)

   26:553:602  History of International Business (3)

   26:553:607  Global Political Economy (3)

   26:790:541  International Political Economy (3)

4. The Global System in Historical Perspective

   26:478:572  Evolution of the Global System (3)

5. Culture and Identity in a Global Context

   26:790:511  Contemporary Political Theory (3)

   26:790:542  Topics in Recent International Relations (3)

   26:790:543  Problems of Comparative Politics (3) 

Colloquium on Global Change and Governance (4 credits)

Students must complete two terms of the colloquium. Each 2-credit sequence (26:478:570,571, 573,574) consists of a series of colloquia on a topic or geographical area of current significance.

Methodology Requirement (3 credits)

Students must complete one of the following two courses:

   26:790:533  Research Methods in Political Science (3)

   26:834:561  Analytical Methods (3)

Dissertation Seminar (3 credits)

The Dissertation Seminar 26:478:703 is an advanced course restricted to students who have passed the 46-credit review and the comprehensive examination and are working on their dissertation proposals. Completion of the methodology requirement is a prerequisite.

Concentration (15 credits)

Students must complete at least five graduate-level courses, for a total of 15 credits, in any one of the following disciplines represented by graduate programs at Rutgers-Newark: criminal justice, global affairs, history, law, management, political science, or public administration. These courses must be relevant to a student`s dissertation.

Distribution (12 credits)

Students must complete at least four graduate-level courses, for a total of 12 credits, in any discipline or disciplines other than the concentration. These courses must have a substantial global affairs component.

Internship (3 credits)

Students must complete a one-term internship 26:478: 601, 602 at an international organization, NGO, government agency, transnational corporation, media organization, or other institution active in some aspect of global affairs.

Dissertation Research (21 credits)

After passing the comprehensive examination (see below), students must complete 21 credits of Dissertation Research 26:478: 701, 702, either on a full- or part-time basis.

Comprehensive Examination

After passing the 46-credit review, students must complete a take-home comprehensive examination testing their knowledge of the global affairs issues covered in the core course topic areas.


Dissertations must be written in the field of global affairs. As such, they must focus on (1) contemporary or historical transnational trends, developments, problems, and institutions or (2) the interaction between such trends, developments, problems, and institutions and local actions or issues. Country case studies or comparative studies divorced from global affairs as defined above do not qualify. Dissertations may be interdisciplinary or written within a single discipline.

Dissertation Defense

A four-member faculty committee, consisting of the student`s dissertation adviser and three other professors (usually from the CGCG faculty) examine the completed dissertation at an oral defense. Dissertation committees are chaired by the student`s dissertation adviser who, together with the student, determines its composition. One member of the committee may be from an institution other than Rutgers-Newark.

Language Requirement

Students must demonstrate, at any time during their course of study at Rutgers-Newark, speaking, reading, and writing proficiency in one modern language other than English, or reading knowledge of two modern languages other than English.

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