Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School-Newark
About the University
Graduate Study At the University
Tuition and Fees
Financial Aid
Student Services
Academic Policies and Procedures
Degree Requirements
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Information
Biology 120
Chemistry 160
Computational Biology 197
Criminal Justice 202
Economics 220
English 350 (Includes American Literature 352)
Environmental Science 375
Environmental Geology 380
Global Affairs 478
History 510
Integrative Neuroscience 546
Jazz History and Research 561
Liberal Studies 606
Management 620
Related Master’s Degrees
Doctoral Study Courses *
Mathematical Sciences 645
Nursing 705
Physics, Applied 755
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Public Administration 834
Urban Systems 977 (Joint Ph.D. Program with NJIT and UMDNJ)
Governance of the University
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-Newark 2004-2006 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Management 620  

Management 620

Degree Program Offered: Doctor of Philosophy

Director of Doctoral Program: Glenn Shafer, Rutgers Business School (RBS), Room 302, Ackerson Hall (973/353-5371; email:; web site:

The doctoral program in management is offered in cooperation with New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). It is administered separately from the Rutgers M.B.A. program. For information about programs leading to the M.B.A. degree, visit the Rutgers Business School admissions office web site at or the department at Room 115, Engelhard Hall, 190 University Avenue, Newark, NJ 07102-1813 (973/353-1234; fax: 973/353-1592; email:

Members of the Graduate Faculty

For the Accounting Major and the Accounting Information Systems Major:


Leonard Goodman, RBS; Ph.D., New York
Corporate taxation; history of taxation; international accounting

Bikki Jaggi, RBS; Ph.D., Free University of Berlin (Germany)
Financial accounting; cost accounting; environmental accounting; social accounting

Yaw M. Mensah, RBS; Ph.D., Illinois
Managerial accounting; efficiency evaluation; nonprofit institutions; financial accounting; information in capital markets

Paul J. Miranti, Jr., RBS; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins
American business history; government accounting; not-for-profit accounting

Glenn R. Shafer, RBS; Ph.D., Princeton
Audit judgment; causal modeling and uncertain reasoning; expert systems; information systems; statistical reasoning

Ephraim F. Sudit, RBS; Ph.D., New York
Cost management; pricing; productivity-based management; quality management

Miklos A. Vasarhelyi, RBS; Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)
Accounting systems; expert systems; ecommerce

Associate Professors:

Michael Alles, RBS; Ph.D., Stanford
Managerial accounting; strategic control systems

Asokan Anandarajan, NJIT School of Management; Ph.D., Drexel
Auditing; management accounting; neural networks; expert systems

Peter R. Gillett, RBS; Ph.D., Kansas
Auditing; information systems; uncertain reasoning; quantitative methodologies; philosophy

Michael P. Schoderbek, RBS; Ph.D., Indiana
Financial accounting; the use of accounting information by regulators; accounting history

Assistant Professors:

Nandini Chandar, RBS; Ph.D., Case Western

Jay Soled, RBS; J.D., Michigan
Business taxation; charitable trusts; estate planning

For the Computer Information Systems Major:


Fadi Deek, NJIT Department of Information Systems; Ph.D., NJIT
Learning systems collaborative technologies; applications to software engineering and computer science education

Roxanne Hiltz, NJIT Department of Information Systems; Ph.D., Columbia
Collaborative systems; information systems evaluation; social impacts of computer and information systems; design of user-oriented interactive computer systems; computer-mediated communication

Alex Kogan, RBS; Ph.D., USSR Academy of Sciences
Internet technology and electronic commerce; knowledge-based decision support systems; accounting information systems; reasoning under uncertainty; productivity accounting and data analysis

Joseph Leung, NJIT Department of Computer Science; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
Scheduling theory; real-time systems; operating systems; combinatorial optimization; computational complexity; design and analysis of algorithms

Ali Mili, NJIT Department of Computer Science; Ph.D., Illinois
Software architecture; software reuse; software emetrics

Dan Palmon, RBS; Ph.D., New York
Corporate finance; financial reporting; general accounting theory

Marilyn Tremaine NJIT, Department of Information Systems; Ph.D., Southern California
Auditory interfaces; mobile collaboration; interfaces for mobile computing; interfaces for telerehabilitation

Murray Turoff, NJIT Department of Information Systems; Ph.D., Brandeis
Information systems; computer-mediated communication systems delphi design; policy analysis; planning methodologies interface design; collaborative systems and group decision support systems

Associate Professors:

Michael Bieber, NJIT Department of Information Systems; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Hypertext; hypermedia functionality; digital libraries; management information systems; group support systems; collaborative systems; process reengineering; distributed education

Jerry Fjermestad, NJIT School of Management; Ph.D., Rutgers
Information systems and organizational decision making; executive information systems; technology diffusion; social impact of new technology; business process reengineering

James Geller, NJIT Department of Computer Science; Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo)
Artificial intelligence; database systems; object-oriented systems; parallel reasoning; knowledge-based systems; expert systems; natural language processing; character recognition

Marvin Nakayama, NJIT Department of Computer Science; Ph.D., Stanford
Simulation modeling and analysis; fault-tolerant systems; communication networks; statistics; applied probability

Michael Recce, NJIT Department of Information Systems; Ph.D., University College (London)
Neurophysiology; neural basis for spatial localization; models of spatial processing; application of neural network algorithms in robotics

Jason Wang, NJIT Department of Computer Science; Ph.D., New York
Data mining and databases; knowledge engineering; software development; pattern analysis; computational biology; information retrieval and process management on the web

Assistant Professors:

James Calvin, NJIT Department of Computer Science; Ph.D., Stanford
Probabilistic analysis of algorithms; global optimization; information-based complexity; search theory; applied probability

Ii Im, NJIT Department of Information Systems; Ph.D., Southern California
Customer behavior in electronic commerce; personalization systems; digital library

David Mendonca, NJIT Department of Information Systems; Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Modeling and supporting group decision making under conditions of risk and time constraint

Vincent Oria, NJIT; Ph.D., ENST-Paris
Computer and information science

For the Finance Major:


Ivan E. Brick, RBS; Ph.D., Columbia
Corporate finance; the impact of default risk, taxes, and asymmetric information upon the type of financial securities issued by firms; capital budgeting

Michael A. Crew, RBS; Ph.D., Bradford
Regulatory economics, peak-load pricing, and the theory of monopoly

Lawrence Fisher, RBS; Ph.D., Chicago
Portfolio theory; risk and returns of stocks and bonds; stock and bond market behavior

Ronald M. Harstad, RBS; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Auction design; value elicitation; bidding; game theory; laboratory economics

Mahmud Hassan, RBS; Ph.D., Vanderbilt
Economics, health economics-labor management

Cheng-Few Lee, RBS; Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo)
Corporate finance; security analysis; portfolio management; options and futures; risk management

Michael S. Long, RBS; Ph.D., Purdue
Corporate finance; valuation; entrepreneurship

S. Abraham Ravid, RBS; Ph.D., Cornell
Corporate finance; debt markets; privatization production and financial decisions; taxation

Howard Tuckman, RBS; Ph.D., Wisconsin
Factors in educational success in business schools

Associate Professors:

Theologus Bonitsis, NJIT School of Management; Ph.D., CUNY
Time series modeling; competitiveness of the U.S. economy; the trade deficit

Sharon Gifford, RBS; Ph.D., New York
Contract theory; economics of organizations; economics of information; entrepreneurship

Dongcheol Kim, RBS; Ph.D., Michigan
Empirical issues in asset pricing tests; market volatility in financial markets; modeling distributional form of security returns; nonstationarity of systematic risk

Farrokh K. Langdana, RBS; Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic and State University
Fiscal and monetary policies; global macroeconomic policies; macroeconomic experimentation

Oded Palmon, RBS; Ph.D., Chicago
Corporate finance; taxation

Robert H. Patrick, RBS; Ph.D., New Mexico
Applied microeconomics; applied econometrics; natural resource and environmental economics; regulation of network industries

Tavy Ronen, RBS; Ph.D., New York
Market microstructure; corporate finance

Ben J. Sopranzetti, RBS; Ph.D., Illinois
Banking; corporate finance; derivative securities

Yangru Wu, RBS; Ph.D., Ohio State
International finance; asset pricing; applied time-series analysis

Assistant Professors:

Dilip Patro, RBS; Ph.D., Maryland
Capital markets; asset pricing and emerging markets

John K. Wald, RBS; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Corporate finance; law; economics; liquidity constraints

For the International Business Major:


John Cantwell, RBS; Ph.D., Reading
Analysis of corporate technological change and international business

Farok J. Contractor, RBS; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Foreign investment and markets; global enterprises; joint ventures; licensing

Assistant Professor:

William E. Newburry, RBS; Ph.D., New York
International business and management

Adjunct Member of the Faculty:

Peter Gray; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
International trade; foreign direct investments; globalization and economic development

For the Management Science Major and the Information Technology Major:


Nabil R. Adam, RBS; Ph.D., Columbia
Database systems; digital libraries; electronic commerce; scheduling; simulation

Ronald D. Armstrong, RBS; Ph.D., Massachusetts (Amherst)
Integer programming; network flow theory; statistical application of mathematical programming

Benjamin Avi-Itzhak, RBS; D.Sc., Israel Institute of Technology
Operations research; electric energy generation; telecommunication networks; stochastic modeling

Adi Ben-Israel, RBS; Ph.D., Northwestern
Convexity and inequalities; matrix theory; optimization theory;, numerical analysis; dynamic programming; optimal control; economics of uncertainty; management of natural resources

Peter Hammer, RBS; Ph.D., Bucharest
Boolean methods on operations research; discrete optimization

Michael N. Katehakis, RBS; Ph.D., Columbia
Dynamic programming; reliability; queuing; sequential statistics; operations management

Kenneth Kendall, Rutgers' SB-C; Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo)
Emerging information systems technologies; expert systems; artificial intelligence

Kenneth Lawrence, NJIT School of Management; Ph.D., Rutgers
Mathematical programming; multicriteria decision making; urban and regional planning; consensus forecasting; new product demand analysis; robust regression; nonlinear regression; statistical sampling

Benjamin Melamed, RBS; Ph.D., Michigan
Modeling of telecommunications systems; stochastic processes; analysis and simulation; software modeling environments

Rosa Oppenheim, RBS; Ph.D., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn Statistical process control; total quality management

Michael H. Rothkopf, RBS; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Applied mathematical modeling; auctions and competitive bidding; applications of operations research; energy models

Andrzej Ruszczynski, RBS; Ph.D., Warsaw University of Technology
Stochastic programming; stochastic control; financial engineering; risk management

David F. Shanno, RBS; Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon
Mathematical optimization; linear and nonlinear programming; large scale modeling

Associate Professors:

Farid Alizadeh, RBS; Ph.D., Minnesota S
oftware for optimization with simultaneous linear, convex, quadratic, and semidefinite constraints; application of semidefinite programming to combinatorial optimization and statistics

Vijay Atluri, RBS; Ph.D., George Mason
Clinical information systems; database management systems; distributed systems; information systems security; workflow management systems

Jonathan Eckstein, RBS; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Optimization algorithms; parallel computing and applications

Douglas Jones, RBS; Ph.D., Florida State
Bayesian methods; computerized psychological and educational testing; data analysis

Julie E. Kendall, Rutgers' SB-C; Ph.D., Nebraska
Hypertext; organizational implications of push and pull information technologies; qualitative methods

Lei Lei, RBS; Ph.D., Wisconsin
Project scheduling; scheduling of transport; vehicle dispatching and routing

Lee Papayanopoulos, RBS; Ph.D., Columbia
Computer information systems; electronic classrooms; representative game theory; voting and reapportionment

Zachary Stoumbos, RBS; Ph.D., Virginia Institute of Technology
Decision theory; experimental design; operations and production management; quality control; regression analysis; sequential analysis; total quality management and reengineering

Cheickna Sylla, NJIT School of Management; Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo)
Operations management; decision support systems; training systems design

For the Marketing Major:


Phipps Arabie, RBS; Ph.D., Stanford
Market segmentation; product positioning; mathematical psychology

J. Douglas Carroll, RBS; Ph.D., Princeton
Data analytic techniques; human learning, perception, cognition, and choice behavior; multidimensional scaling; quantitative models in marketing 

Harsharanjeet Jagpal, RBS; Ph.D., Columbia
Advertising; new products; sales force compensation

Barbara Stern, RBS; Ph.D., CUNY
Consumer choice; gender and consumer behavior; literary theory and advertising; values and advertising

Associate Professor:

S. Chan Choi, RBS; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Price competition; competitive product positioning; quantitative models in marketing

Assistant Professor:

Hao Zhao, RBS; Ph.D., Rochester
Advertising; consumer behavior; distribution; pricing

For the Organization Management Major:


Alok Chakrabarti, NJIT School of Management; Ph.D., Northwestern
Technology management; strategic management and policy analysis

Chao C. Chen, RBS; Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo)
Cross-cultural management; China; reward allocation; leadership; managing diversity

Fariborz Damanpour, RBS; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Corporate governance; management of innovations and technology; organizational design and development

Nancy DiTomaso, RBS; Ph.D., Wisconsin
Diversity in organizations; labor force; managing knowledge-based organizations; organizational change and transformation; organizational culture; women, minorities, and cross-cultural management

Deborah Dougherty, RBS; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Organizational capacities for sustained product/service innovation in complex organizations

George F. Farris, RBS; Ph.D., Michigan
Managing technological innovation; managing technology; stimulating creativity; technological entrepreneurs; technological innovators

Edwin Hartman, RBS; Ph.D., Princeton
Business ethics; character and organizational culture

Bruce Kirchhoff, NJIT School of Management; Ph.D., Utah
New business formation and early stage growth; technology-based business

Donald L. McCabe, RBS; Ph.D., New York
Cheating in college; college education and ethical development; ethical decision making

Seung Ho Park, RBS; Ph.D., Oregon
Strategic alliances; interorganizational networks; corporate diversification; globalization of Asian multinational firms

Hindy Schachter, NJIT School of Management; Ph.D., Columbia
Organizational behavior; history of scientific management; public administration; managing diversity; legal and ethical issues

Associate Professors:

Rene Cordero, NJIT School of Management; Ph.D., Rutgers
Human resources; management of technology and innovation

Wayne Eastman, RBS; J.D., Harvard Law
Employment and labor law; history and politics of managerial and legal theory; law and economics; litigation strategy

Shanti Gopalakrishnan, NJIT; Ph.D., Rutgers
Organization management

dt ogilvie, RBS; Ph.D., Texas
Creativity in decision making; executive leadership strategies; strategic decision making

Michael A. Santoro, RBS; Ph.D., Harvard
Business ethics; international business and human rights; high-tech entrepreneurship; intellectual property; technical standards

Mark Somers, NJIT School of Management; Ph.D., CUNY
Attachment and commitment processes in organizations; task and unit level technologies; occupational and organizational socialization

Assistant Professors:

Seung Theresa Cho, RBS; Ph.D., Columbia
Business policy and strategy

Varghese P. George, RBS; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Interfirm alliances; organizational communication; technological innovation

Phyllis Siegel, RBS; Ph.D., Columbia
CEO self-handicapping; executive compensation; linkage between strategy and organizational behavior/human resource management; organizational justice and trust

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