Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School-Newark
About the University
Graduate Study At the University
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Degree Requirements
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Information
Biology 120
Chemistry 160
Computational Biology 197
Criminal Justice 202
Economics 220
English 350 (Includes American Literature 352)
Environmental Science 375
Environmental Geology 380
Global Affairs 478
Master of Science in Global Affairs
Doctor of Philosophy in Global Affairs
History 510
Integrative Neuroscience 546
Jazz History and Research 561
Liberal Studies 606
Management 620
Mathematical Sciences 645
Nursing 705
Physics, Applied 755
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Public Administration 834
Urban Systems 977 (Joint Ph.D. Program with NJIT and UMDNJ)
Governance of the University
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-Newark 2004-2006 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Global Affairs 478  

Global Affairs 478

Degree Programs Offered:  Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy

Director of Graduate Programs:  Alexander J. Motyl

Codirectors:  Yale Ferguson and Richard Langhorne

 Email: or

Deputy Director:  Alexander J. Motyl


Administrative Assistant:  Desiree Gordon


Center for Global Change and Governance; Center for Law and Justice; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; 123 Washington Street, Suite 510; Newark, New Jersey 07102-1895 (973/353-5585); fax: 973/353-5074; web site: http://cgcg.

Participating Faculty

Nabil Adam, RBS; Ph.D., Columbia Global electronic commerce; computer simulation and database systems

Jason Barr, FAS-N; Ph.D., Columbia Industrial organization; computational economics; game theory; EU

Karima E. Bennoune, SL-N; J.D., Michigan International law; international human rights

Sheri-Ann Butterfield, FAS-N; Ph.D., Michigan Race and ethnic identity

Anne-Marie Cantwell, FAS-N; Ph.D., New York Fourth-world peoples; cultural property

John Cantwell, RBS; Ph.D., Reading Technological innovation and multinational corporations

Susan Carruthers, FAS-N; Ph.D., Leeds Media; propaganda; conflict; war

Philip Cerny, FAS-N; Ph.D., Manchester Global political economy; global governance, states

Maurie Cohen, NJIT; Ph.D., Pennsylvania Environmental policy studies; urban planning

Farok Contractor, RBS; M.B.A., Ph.D., Pennsylvania (Wharton School) Development of global business

Jon Cowans, FAS-N; Ph.D., Stanford Modern Europe; France; political culture

Melvin Dubnik, FAS-N; Ph.D., Colorado (Boulder) American politics and public administration

John Dunning, RBS; Ph.D., Southampton Economics of international direct investment; innovation and productivity of scientists and engineers

Brian Ferguson, FAS-N; Ph.D., Columbia Anthropology; sociology of warfare

Yale Ferguson, FAS-N; Ph.D., Columbia Theories of global politics; international political economy; American foreign policy; Latin America

James Finckenauer, SCJ; Ph.D., New York Juvenile justice; organized crime; crime and justice in the former Soviet Union

Frank Fischer, FAS-N; Ph.D., New York Public policy and administration; American government; environmental politics; German politics

Dennis Gale, FAS-N; Ph.D., George Washington Global cities; urban development

Peter Golden, FAS-N; Ph.D., Columbia Medieval Eurasia; Turco-Byzantine and Turco-Slavic relations; history of Islam

John W. Graham, FAS-N; Ph.D., Northwestern Macroeconomics; labor economics; demography; economics of the family

Clayton Hartjen, FAS-N; Ph.D., New York Anthropology; crime

Edwin Hartman, RBS; Ph.D., Princeton Global business ethics

Max Herman, FAS-N; Ph.D., Arizona Race; ethnicity; urban sociology

Alexander Hinton, FAS-N; Ph.D., Emory Anthropology; transnationalism; genocide; political violence in Southeast Asia; Cambodia

Marc Holzer, FAS-N; Ph.D., Michigan International public management

Jyl Josephson, FAS-N; Ph.D., Maryland Women`s studies; gender; feminist theory

Warren Kimball, FAS-N; Ph.D., Georgetown History of U.S. foreign policy; foreign policy of Franklin Roosevelt; U.S. history since 1945

Reynold Koslowski, FAS-N; Ph.D., Pennsylvania International relations; global politics; international organizations; regional integration; European politics

Gabriella Kütting, FAS-N; Ph.D., Sussex Global environmental politics; globalization; IPE; sustainable development

Richard Langhorne, FAS-N; M.A., Cambridge Processes of global change; global governance and institutions of diplomacy

Jamie Lew, FAS-N; Ph.D., Teachers College Ethnicity; migration; multicultural education

Sara Markowitz, FAS-N; Ph.D., CUNY Health economics; labor economics; applied econometrics

Saul Mendlovitz, SL-N; J.D., Chicago International law

Alexander J. Motyl, FAS-N; Ph.D., Columbia Comparative politics; nationalism, empires, and revolutions; Russia and east-central Europe

Gerhard O.W. Mueller, SL-N; J.D., Chicago Law and criminal justice; constitutional issues; maritime crime

William Newburry, RBS; Ph.D., New York International business strategy; international environmental management

Alvaro Rodriguez, FAS-N; Ph.D., Columbia International economics; economic development; Latin America

Jerry Rosenberg, RBS; Ph.D., New York International business; economic integration; Middle East

Said Samatar, FAS-N; Ph.D., Northwestern Modern African history; African resistance movements; European imperialism

Norman Samuels, FAS-N; Ph.D., Duke Terrorism; counterterrorism; U.S. security studies

Michael Santoro, RBS; J.D., NYU; Ph.D., Harvard Human rights and global business

Kurt Schock, FAS-N; Ph.D., Ohio State Comparative political sociology; social movements

Karl W. Schweizer, NJIT; Ph.D., Cambridge History of armaments

Mary Segers, FAS-N; Ph.D., Columbia Political theory; gender politics; ethics and politics; religion and politics

Carlos Seiglie, FAS-N; Ph.D., Chicago International economics; microeconomics

Mara Sidney, FAS-N; Ph.D., Colorado Race and ethnicity; global cities; public policy

Janet Siskind, FAS-N; Ph.D., CUNY Capitalist culture; gender; global labor markets

Elizabeth Strom, FAS-N; Ph.D., CUNY Urban studies and global cities; German politics

Anna Stubblefield, FAS-N; Ph.D., Rutgers Race; violence; ethics; political philosophy

Odoric Wou, FAS-N; Ph.D., Columbia Modern Chinese social and economic history

Associate Faculty

David Gold, New School; Ph.D., CUNY Economics of defense industries; international organizations

Robert R. Kaufman, FAS-NB; Ph.D., Harvard Democratization; marketization, Latin America

Jack S. Levy, FAS-NB; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison) Causes of war; foreign policy decision making; methodology

Roy Liklider, FAS-NB; Ph.D., Yale Political violence; terrorism; civil wars

Seung Ho Park, RBS-NB; Ph.D., Oregon Strategic alliances; corporate diversification; Asian firms

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