Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
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Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
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School of Communication and Information
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Academic Policies and Procedures
Programs of Study
Course Listing
Explanation of Three-Part Course Numbers
Communication and Information 189
Communication 192
Digital Communication, Information, and Media 189
Gender and Media 438
Information Technology and Informatics 547
Journalism and Media Studies 567
Administration and Faculty
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
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New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 School of Communication and Information Course Listing Information Technology and Informatics 547  

Information Technology and Informatics 547
04:547:111 The Internet and the Information Environment: A Quantitative Approach (3) A quantitative and mathematically rigorous introduction to concepts that underlie the internet and web search engines. A challenging problem will introduce each topic, and the exposition of principles and relevant theorems will be followed by an application to the internet and at least one other application in the social sciences (e.g., social networks) or the humanities (e.g., author identification).
The course counts as one of the two mathematics courses that must be taken in order to meet the Rutgers graduation requirements in quantitative reasoning.
04:547:200 Social Informatics (3) Provides a survey of the key social issues related to information technology development, decision making, and use. Focuses on the critical analysis of social, cultural, philosophical, ethical, legal, public policy, and economic issues relating to information technologies and how these interactions shape workplace decisions and technology use. Prerequisites: 04:189:103; Open to ITI majors only.
04:547:201 Information Technology Fundamentals (3) As the introductory course to the technological concentration/area in the ITI program, Introduction to Computer Concepts explains the basic principles of computer systems and applications. It covers the basic mathematical-theoretical principles that govern the functioning of computers, the architecture and organization of computer systems, the role of hardware and software, and the role of creative thinking and problem solving in building software applications. 04:189:103. Open only to ITI majors.
04:547:202 Object-Oriented Programming (3) Introduces students to the principles of object-oriented analysis, design, and programming. The focus is on developing creative thinking for analyzing a problem domain and designing a solution, and on using the Java programming language (or other appropriate programming language) to implement it. Prerequisite: 04:547:201.
04:547:210 Management of Technological Organizations (3) Presents the fundamental concepts of management and organizational theory applied to the technological marketplace and organizational settings. Focuses on project management with emphasis on decision support systems and management information systems in corporate environments. The course considers information as an organizational resource; students explore how information systems support corporate and organizational goals.
04:547:215 Social Impacts of Video Games (3) This course will examine video games from a cultural and social perspective. Rather than focusing on game design, it will explore the ways culture, socialization, and values are a part of gaming. Using a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches, a range of topics will be discussed in an attempt to understand not only the internal workings and social dynamics of computer games, but their place in the broader culture. Topics include: community management and maintenance in games; social processes and interaction; games as communication spaces and virtual worlds; intellectual property and commodification in games; players as producers of game content; political/ideological analysis of games; gender and race in gaming; and design and values. 
Some sections open only to ITI majors.
04:547:220 Retrieving and Evaluating Electronic Information (3) Students examine and analyze the information retrieval process in order to more effectively conduct electronic searches, assess search results, and use information for informed decision making. Major topics include search engine technology; human information behavior; evaluation of information quality; business, economic, and cultural factors that affect the availability and reliability of electronic information; and the future of search.
04:547:221 Fundamentals of Big Data Curation and Management (3) This course introduces students to the use of large data sets and prepares them for work in organizational and research settings. The students will learn the basics of acquiring and curating practical data, discovering patterns, and managing large datasets with databases. Students will work multiple modalities of data such as textual, networked, and numerical datasets.
Prerequisites: 04:547:202 or BOTH 01:198:142/01:960:142 AND 01:960:291 Students should have some elementary understanding of computer programming.
04:547:230 Human-Computer Interaction (3) Studies how best to design the interface between human users and computer systems. Emphasis is placed on learning how to involve the user at different stages in the design process to improve the interface in a cost-effective way. In particular, experience with iterative user-centered design, rapid prototyping, and usability testing methods are developed. Students evaluate several computer interfaces as well as iteratively design and evaluate an interface prototype. Open only to ITI majors.
04:547:240 Digital Hardware Basics (3) This course provides students the opportunity to develop the basic computer skills needed to manage an information technology operation in the business world. The class includes a broad coverage of technology concepts and trends underlying current and future developments in IT operations. We start by introducing the workplace environment of your staff, then moving to the background of the computer and its hardware devices components. The students will end with a broad base of knowledge and competency in hardware operations management including installation, configuration, diagnosing, preventative maintenance, and basic networking.
04:547:300 Application of Research in Information Technology (3) Provides an introduction to systematic inquiry in information technology and informatics using quantitative and qualitative approaches with an emphasis on individual and organizational users of information working in electronic environments. It includes the analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and reporting of applied and theoretical research in the information technology field. Computer laboratory sessions are used to facilitate statistical, textual, and graphical analyses of data. Methodologies of research in information technology are critically evaluated.  
Prerequisite: 04:547:220.
04:547:310 Strategic Leadership in Informatics (3) Focuses on leadership theory and its applicability in understanding the role of leadership in dynamic organizations. Places emphasis on cultural concerns and the importance of diversity in ensuring competitiveness in the increasingly diverse marketplace. It addresses global issues in information and communication technology, the importance of effective leadership at all levels in organizations, and the relationship between leadership and organizational success. An additional focus is the necessity for collaboration and ethical practices. Prerequisite: 04:547:210. Open only to ITI majors.
04:547:315 Game Design Methodology (3) Examines the theory, practice, and methodology of the modern game designer. Content will cover everything from simple board game mechanics to the inner workings of massively multiplayer experiences. From developing ideas for new product concepts, to writing strong game design documentation, to fine-tuning gameplay mechanics, this course provides a survey of the best practices, key challenges, and unique opportunities for game designers. Prerequisite: 04:547:201.
04:547:320 Web Design (3) Focuses on the role that webpages play in an organization's public profile, and on establishing linkages between specific content and organizational and client needs in a web-based environment. Addresses principles and skills of web design using current W3C standards, website access, usability and evaluation. It also addresses developing website content tailored to specific audiences. Prerequisite: 04:547:201 or equivalent course; open only to ITI majors.
04:547:321 Information Visualization (3) Students learn how to effectively present complex information using the web, multimedia, or information visualization techniques. The course develops an understanding of how best to leverage human perceptual capabilities to communicate information or gain insights into large and abstract data. Prerequisite: 04:547:201 OR 01:198:142/01:960:142 AND 01:960:291; open only to ITI majors.
04:547:330 Database Technologies (3) Introduces students to basic database design principles and applications, and the use of database technologies for the organization and management of large information systems. Focuses on development of data structures, database design principles, relational structures, database testing and use, query language, as well as translating organizational needs into database applications. Prerequisite: 04:547:202. Open only to ITI majors.
04:547:331 Networking and Internet Technology (3) This course provides an introduction to computer network and internet technologies. It emphasizes the distinction between various logical concepts and entities such as networks, the internet at large, and the World Wide Web. Universal protocols and services such as SMTP, HTTP, DNS, and SNMP are explored. In addition, students will learn to deconstruct and identify components of common technologies. The context of these technologies within society and business is also introduced Prerequisite: 04:547:201.
04:547:332 Advanced Web Design Technologies (3) With the advent of the Extensible Markup language, web developers have the opportunity to build richer, more fully interactive sites by tapping into the power of a series of flexible and robust technologies that permit more effective sharing of information between organizations. Students will be starting with the fundamentals of XML and moving on into discussions and implementations of XHTML, Schema, DTDs, RSS, Web Services, AJAX, and other XML-based frameworks for web development. Particular attention will be paid to the issues surrounding open source development efforts and the business case for various technologies and their alternatives. Prerequisite: 04:547:201 or 04:547:320. Open only to ITI majors.
04:547:340 Gender and Technology (3) The course analyzes gender in relation to race, class, nationality, culture, religion, and sexuality in the context of technological innovation. Its focus is on fundamental concepts, the feminist critique of technoscience, and the impact of gender issues on the workplace inclusiveness and equity, in a transnational and historical perspective. It examines the effects of gender on the development and use of information technologies and on gender-based information and technology preferences.
04:547:400 Information Policies, Politics, and Power (3) Prepares students for policy development in organizations. Analyzes and synthesizes concerns and conflicts related to information technology, information access and dissemination, freedom of information, copyright, intellectual property rights and responsibilities, privacy, filtering and information security, and computer crime. Legal, political, social, and ethical issues and how they contribute to policy development will be considered. Against this backdrop, the course provides opportunity for students to undertake organizational policy development. Prerequisites: 04:547:200 and 210. Open only to ITI majors.
04:547:410 Electronic Commerce (3) Examines the technologies used to transact business electronically. Investigates a range of social, economic, and security issues related to such transactions and the design of websites that facilitate these transactions. Prerequisite: 04:547:202 or equivalent course (such as 01:198:113 or 01:198:211). Open only to ITI majors.
04:547:415 Digital Game Creation (Game Design) (3) Creating a digital game involves merging the skills of many disciplines into a single cohesive whole. It involves applying principles from computer programming, two- and three-dimensional digital art, animation, physics, mathematics, artificial intelligence, user interface and experience design, psychology, narrative design, and visual communication to provide an incomplete list. This course focuses upon understanding and demonstrating the technical implementation of game play mechanics within a game engine framework. It is designed to  expand upon the work done in Game Design Methodology (04:547:315) to provide an introduction in working with these disparate skill sets by building subsets of a complete game in a digital form. Prerequisites: 04:547:201 and 315.
04:547:420 Economics of Information Technologies (3) Examines economic theories related to information technologies and systems. The concept of information as commodity is considered. Quantitative methods such as cost-benefit analysis and return on information technology investment evaluation are introduced. Alternative methods such as measuring the human costs associated with information technology implementations are also addressed. Prerequisite: 04:189:210. Open only to ITI majors.
04:547:421 Data Analytics for Information Professionals (3) Data analytics linked to storage, curation, management, and mining with attention to alternative methodological approaches. The course will demonstrate various methods to explore how big data might be analyzed, stored, and retrieved.
04:547:432 Information Security (3) An introduction to the various technical and administrative aspects of information security and assurance. This course provides the foundation for understanding the key issues associated with protecting information assets, determining the levels of protection and response to security incidents, and designing a consistent, reasonable information security system, with appropriate intrusion detection and reporting features. The purpose of the course is to provide the student with an overview of the field of information security and assurance. Students will be exposed to the spectrum of security activities, methods, methodologies, and procedures. Coverage will include inspection and protection of information assets, detection of and reaction to threats to information assets, and examination of pre- and post-incident procedures, technical and managerial responses, and an overview of the information security planning and staffing functions. Prerequisite: 04:547:201 or equivalent course. Open only to ITI majors.
04:547:440 Information Technology and Learning (3) Focuses on understanding how organizations learn and how information technology can be used for the design and development of instructional systems and materials within the organization to facilitate workplace learning. It addresses workplace learning needs, learning styles, learning outcomes, representation of knowledge, problem solving, and assessment of the usability of e-learning systems in the workplace. Prerequisite: 04:547:210. Open only to ITI majors.
04:547:445 Certification Practicum in ITI (3) This course will operate like an independent study course, where the students' work will be directed toward passing an IT certification test. Selected certificates--ones that are in demand by companies and organizations--will be options presented to the students. Certification options may include, but are not limited to,: A+, CCNA, MCTS, etc. Prerequisite: Permission by the department. Open only to ITI majors.
04:547:450 ITI Internship (1-3) The student negotiates or gains a work placement of approximately 50 to 150 hours. The internship provides supervised professional work experience in a corporate, research, or educational setting, where there is opportunity to apply and further develop knowledge and skills acquired in the Information Technology and Informatics coursework. Prerequisites: Completion of 24 credits of ITI courses. Open only to ITI majors. Approval of proposed project by ITI program director and ITI faculty supervisor, with the approval form filed prior to registration.
17:547:455 Capstone in Information Technology and Informatics (3) The Capstone in Information Technology and Informatics is designed to synthesize what students have learned in the ITI program through a directed project identified by the coordinator and the ITI director. Throughout the semester, students work together in teams to complete the selected project. Students may also complete written assignments that document the progress of the team, produce a final paper, and participate in a final presentation experience to showcase their work. Prerequisites: Open to ITI majors only. Completion of at least 18 credits in the major and preferable in the last semester of the major. Permission of the department.
04:547:460 Independent Study (3) Students design, negotiate and manage a program of study under the advisement of a faculty member based on their existing experience and knowledge and on their career intentions. The study builds on existing knowledge and skills acquired during the major in an area not available through elective courses in the ITI major. Prerequisites: 04:547:200; 04:547:201; 04:547:202; 04:547:210.  Completion of 27 credits of ITI courses. Open only to ITI majors. Approval of proposed project by Program Director and LIS Faculty Supervisor
04:547:465 Senior Thesis (3) Honors students will conduct original research under the supervision of a faculty adviser and an honors thesis committee. Students must be accepted into the honors program in order to enroll in this course. Prerequisites: 04:547:300; special permission of the department. Open only to ITI majors.
04:547:470,471,472,473,474,475,476 Topics in Information Technology I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII (3,3,3,3,3,3,3) Special topics relevant to contemporary studies in information technology and informatics. Prerequisites: To be determined on the basis of each semester's offering.
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