The following minors, offered by the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, are open to all undergraduate students at Rutgers University.
Agriculture and Food Systems
Animal Science
Community Health Outreach
Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
Environmental and Business Economics
Environmental Geomatics
Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior
Environmental Sciences
Fisheries Science
Food Science
Leadership Skills
Marine Sciences
Nonprofit Leadership
Plant Biology
Professional Outreach and Development
Science Communication
Science Learning
Science Teacher Education
The School of Environmental and Biological Sciences offers the following interdisciplinary certificate programs reflecting several of the school's mission areas. Certificates are awarded only with or subsequent to the awarding of a baccalaureate degree in an approved major. These certificate programs are open to all undergraduate students at Rutgers University as well as nonmatriculating students.
Environmental Geomatics
Environmental Planning
Evolutionary Medicine
Food Systems Education and Administration
Horticultural Therapy
International Agriculture/Environment
Medicinal and Economic Botany
Plant Biosecurity
Urban/Community Forestry